
practicalli-john 2017-01-24T11:56:43.000502Z

[Transcript bug: Episode 10: Reagnt part 2] state used instead of board @plexus Search for state and it's the first match inside a code block. The defn for board has an argument called board but the r/cursor has an argument called state. Changing the argument to board fixed the issue.

practicalli-john 2017-01-24T11:59:24.000503Z

Apart from this tiny slip, a really great tutorial series on reagent that worked well. I managed to go through the first two episodes with no prior experience of reagent or re-frame. Thank you.

plexus 2017-01-24T21:29:34.000507Z

this bit, right?

plexus 2017-01-24T21:29:38.000508Z

(defn Board [board]
   (for [i (range (count (:columns @board)))]
     [Column (r/cursor board [:columns i])])

plexus 2017-01-24T21:30:58.000509Z

Fixed it, thanks @jr0cket. Very happy to hear you liked the videos!

practicalli-john 2017-01-24T21:31:48.000510Z

Yes, thats the one.

practicalli-john 2017-01-24T21:34:48.000513Z

Personally I find the transcripts easier to follow. I’ve always preferred blog posts to videos, so I have time to think and experiment. I did like the bits of videos I have watched though, I just usually go straight to the transcript.

plexus 2017-01-24T21:36:49.000514Z

I've heard that from other people as well, although so also really prefer the videos. That's why they're both there.

plexus 2017-01-24T21:37:32.000515Z

Personally I tell people to first watch the video in a single pass to get an overview, then go through the material step by step yourself, either by pausing the video or just using the transcript.

plexus 2017-01-24T21:37:54.000516Z

although that also depends on the type of episode