
anmonteiro 2017-05-04T14:33:14.700654Z

@plexus your article was featured in Node Weekly

plexus 2017-05-04T14:38:08.828480Z

Oh wow, nice!

pesterhazy 2017-05-04T16:54:41.306241Z

will the Node horde invade our little Lambda Island now?

plexus 2017-05-04T16:55:49.332329Z

If they all pay then I would not mind one bit :)

pesterhazy 2017-05-04T16:56:35.351210Z

Gotta love those leftpadded, single-minded event-mongerers!

😂 1
anmonteiro 2017-05-04T16:57:02.361851Z


plexus 2017-05-04T17:17:43.840662Z

how does google image search not yield a decent "keep calm and leftpad"? the internet, it has failed me.