@agile_geek: thanks for your talk last night. Didn't get to say Hi, but it got me thinking about trying Emacs.
so if anybody asks, it's your fault.
@agile_geek: shame i couldn't make last night : i am installing clj-refactor.el right now... it's about time
yeah, great talks last night, both in skillsmatter and in the pub afterwards :simple_smile:
@stathissideris: I'm guessing you're the Greek I was talking to last night with Karsten?
hello :simple_smile: it was really cool yesterday :simple_smile:
@xlevus: indeed I am :simple_smile:
oh and there's Quentin
/giphy hello
hi :simple_smile:
indeed it is
wow. Spacemacs does a pretty good job of doing what it says on the box
Possibly inclined to say, It's a better vim out of the box than vim.
i need to try this
Surprisingly, I'd recommend it
sure, there's more shit to learn. but it seems to be pretty 'sane'
Hello London Clojure friends
Gave notice yday, setting up a co-op with some mates
Let me know if you might find a use for a Tommy somewhere
Can also RT if you feeling nice
xlevus: i will def try this, i am comfortable with a decent amount of vim keybindings
@thattommyhall: What can a Tommy do for me?
@xlevus: I can code in Clojure, ruby, python, do big dataery stuff, devopsy stuff
and co-op being, you're effectively both/all(?) contractors, but split the profits?
not totally settled, I am taking a break for a bit too
ideally build product but profit is oxygen and all that
Sell individually or (ideally) as expert team that can GetShitDoneâ„¢
not everyone in the co-op is ready to announce either
just that I am a somewhat known entity in LdnClj