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agile_geek 2015-06-07T08:39:35.000495Z

Morning London based Clojurians, from the sunny North East of England.

quentin 2015-06-07T08:46:43.000496Z

morning :simple_smile:



benedek 2015-06-07T09:27:02.000498Z



I often wonder if we should have been GB Clojurians instead or if that would be claiming too much. I don't want people to feel excluded by the ldn bit but we only really run events in London.

quentin 2015-06-07T10:44:28.000500Z

i guess until someone want to make an event outside of London it’s good as it is

quentin 2015-06-07T10:52:59.000501Z


quentin 2015-06-07T10:54:25.000502Z

i am getting issues with CIDER here…

quentin 2015-06-07T10:54:38.000503Z

or i don’t, just being stupid

quentin 2015-06-07T10:55:40.000504Z

(i was blocking the thread with a blocking call on an unbuffered channel)

benedek 2015-06-07T10:57:18.000505Z

@bozhidar: just added a troubleshooting section to cider readme 😉

benedek 2015-06-07T10:57:35.000506Z

see #C0617A8PQ channel

quentin 2015-06-07T10:58:49.000507Z

oh cool :simple_smile:

gjnoonan 2015-06-07T11:22:35.000508Z

@otfrom: I am planning events outside of that there London, up here in the north. So perhaps eventually a joint venture would be good

gjnoonan 2015-06-07T11:22:47.000509Z

North vs south Dojos haha

benedek 2015-06-07T11:27:04.000511Z

wolves against lions? 😉

agile_geek 2015-06-07T13:06:14.000512Z

@otfrom as you know I’d love to arrange events in NE but as currently I’m in Ldn in the week and atm I’m the only Clojurian I know based in NE it’s something for the future- Joint Northern Super Dojo (virtually connected) with @gjnoonan would be cool! High Speed Clojurians 3? - HS (C) 3?


Joint dojos might be fun. Surely wolves vs flowers or snakes though. Wolves vs lions would be northern user groups vs Bristol. 😉

thomas 2015-06-07T17:27:54.000514Z

maybe the three/four guys in So'ton could join in as well

xlevus 2015-06-07T17:35:56.000515Z

What's needed from attendees for the Dojo tomorrow? I'd assume a laptop

xlevus 2015-06-07T17:39:50.000517Z

But it's not specifically mentioned on the website

agile_geek 2015-06-07T18:47:53.000518Z

@xlevus laptop with a working Clojure environment would be good. However, we usually have enough to go around. We work in groups and can share keyboard. Although using someone else’s laptop when they’ve a heavily customised Emacs is a challenge (worse for me with Vim as I always forget modal edit commands!)

xlevus 2015-06-07T18:48:22.000519Z


xlevus 2015-06-07T18:48:42.000520Z

Might give this Dojo a miss then. Not sure I can be bothered setting up my laptop.

quentin 2015-06-07T18:48:49.000521Z

I will be bringing my laptop :-)

quentin 2015-06-07T18:49:06.000522Z

We can share xlevus

agile_geek 2015-06-07T18:49:10.000523Z

@xlevus: like I said, plenty to go around!

xlevus 2015-06-07T18:49:25.000524Z

you weirdos all use emacs :P

agile_geek 2015-06-07T18:49:28.000525Z

I don’t always use mine

quentin 2015-06-07T18:49:42.000526Z

Haha right :-D

agile_geek 2015-06-07T18:50:00.000527Z

@xlevus: what would u prefer? Cursive? I have it on my Mac but never used it!

xlevus 2015-06-07T18:54:46.000528Z

Vim. Actually, I'll try and set my laptop up.

agile_geek 2015-06-07T18:55:41.000529Z

@xlevus: Could install Evil mode on Emacs I suppose?

xlevus 2015-06-07T18:58:30.000530Z

I'm trying to force myself to use spacemacs. But it does what I'd call 'stupid nonsensical shit'. Bit of a ballache. On one hand, Im proficient in vim, on the other hand the REPL isn't great (that said, CIDER seems to be the same)


Waitaminute, some people don't use Emacs? ⁉️=-O

agile_geek 2015-06-07T19:40:58.000532Z

@otfrom shock horror!



quentin 2015-06-07T20:24:18.000534Z

>< can’t make the lein trampoline cljsbuild repl-rhino command to work

quentin 2015-06-07T20:24:41.000535Z

giving me this error : "Exception in thread "main" java.io.FileNotFoundException: Could not locate cljs/repl__init.class or cljs/repl.clj on classpath: , compiling:(cljsbuild/repl/rhino.clj:1:1)"

quentin 2015-06-07T20:24:45.000536Z

someone got an idea ?