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agile_geek 2015-06-14T08:40:34.000924Z


agile_geek 2015-06-14T08:41:28.000925Z

@benedek: just seen the new wiki for clj-refactor - like it a lot. Is describe refactoring ‘?’ new?

benedek 2015-06-14T08:43:38.000926Z

yup. nice addition from expez (lars)

gjnoonan 2015-06-14T09:05:29.000927Z

Nice, didn’t notice that myself

agile_geek 2015-06-14T09:40:12.000928Z

@benedek Definitely helps with those refactorings u use infrequently.

benedek 2015-06-14T09:44:25.000929Z

would a menu like thing help?

benedek 2015-06-14T09:45:04.000930Z

specifically thinking of emacs/clj newcommers

agile_geek 2015-06-14T09:58:55.000931Z

Might do.


having a menu acts as a good cheat sheet. 😉

agile_geek 2015-06-14T11:59:58.000933Z

my memory is not what it used to be so anything that helps that! #iamold

minimal 2015-06-14T13:19:09.000934Z

cljr-helm is useful

agile_geek 2015-06-14T14:25:54.000935Z

I use https://github.com/kai2nenobu/guide-key bound to certain key combo’s like C-c for cider.

tcrayford 2015-06-14T14:32:22.000937Z

back when I was writing a clojure refactoring tool for emacs (https://github.com/tcrayford/clojure-refactoring RIP), I just had an ido menu for all the refactorings. Really liked that.

xlevus 2015-06-14T14:34:05.000939Z

How do you make cider reload shit? I'm fucking around with a macro in one file, and doing C-c C-m on a expression in another file. But it hasn't picked up on any of the changes

tcrayford 2015-06-14T14:34:49.000940Z

I think that approach works generally for all text editing stuff - if it's not commonly used, it should be in an ido menu. Really dislike emacs setups that have hundreds of keybindings bound under prefixes


small flurry of ldnclj mailing list sign ups

agile_geek 2015-06-14T15:04:47.000942Z

@xlevus: C-c C-k to load the file in the buffer you’re in. C-c C-x to do cider-refresh everything.

xlevus 2015-06-14T15:05:01.000943Z


agile_geek 2015-06-14T15:05:46.000944Z

@otfrom: ‘small flurry’ is that a rodent or a marsupial?

xlevus 2015-06-14T15:05:48.000945Z

what about window-choosing? Is there a way to tell which window cider will put stuff in? I still haven't worked it out, and at the moment its opening up buffers in windows i'm 'using'

xlevus 2015-06-14T15:06:08.000946Z

@agile_geek: it could be a small mcdonalds icecream.

agile_geek 2015-06-14T15:06:39.000947Z

@xlevus: bit commercial but I like it 😉

xlevus 2015-06-14T15:07:10.000948Z

McDonalds. The eat-Freshmaker.

agile_geek 2015-06-14T15:07:11.000949Z

@xlevus: on the cider window thing…not that I’m aware of. If you find owt let me know.

xlevus 2015-06-14T15:07:17.000950Z


xlevus 2015-06-14T15:10:59.000951Z


xlevus 2015-06-14T15:11:12.000952Z

5 mins ago C-c C-m worked.

xlevus 2015-06-14T15:11:19.000953Z

now it doesn't

xlevus 2015-06-14T15:14:10.000954Z

oh now it does. yay

agile_geek 2015-06-14T15:15:04.000955Z

C-c C-m is mapped to macroexpand-1 isn’t it? Are you just expanding a macro?

xlevus 2015-06-14T15:20:27.000956Z


xlevus 2015-06-14T15:20:49.000957Z

I think I had a compile error when starting the REPL and it didn't tell me

agile_geek 2015-06-14T15:27:55.000958Z

@xlevus: If you don’t cider-load-file (C-c C-k) it probably isn’t evaluating the entire file so you could have compilation errors.


compile errors on REPL start usually end up in Messages


sigh, can't show the earmuffs on that





xlevus 2015-06-14T15:53:44.000968Z

fuck it. back to vim. Too much funky shit in emacs.


xlevus: vim is an excellent editor. There are many who love it.

xlevus 2015-06-14T16:07:10.000970Z

yeah. I thought I'd give emacs a go as cider (apparently) has better Clojure tooling

xlevus 2015-06-14T16:07:30.000971Z

but ultimately I find it just does things I consider borderline retarded all the time

agile_geek 2015-06-14T16:24:19.000972Z

@xlevus: I struggled with it but I wasn’t used to vim either (IDE’s like Eclipse/Netbeans/IDEA)

xlevus 2015-06-14T16:26:48.000973Z

I'm just finding it too inconsistent. Sometimes Cider opens the macroexpansion in window 1, other times in 3, other times in 2.

xlevus 2015-06-14T16:27:07.000974Z

sometimes clojure-mode activates, other times it doesn't.

tcrayford 2015-06-14T16:37:39.000975Z

@xlevus: there's a way to override that ofc 😉

xlevus 2015-06-14T16:37:51.000976Z


tcrayford 2015-06-14T16:38:19.000977Z

the emacs way: horrible defaults, millions of lines of code in everybody's .emacs, and everybody rediscovers the same set of configurations over 20 years of using it

tcrayford 2015-06-14T16:38:42.000978Z

(I used to be an emacs user, switched to vim ~1 year into writing clojure regularly)

xlevus 2015-06-14T16:38:47.000979Z

well, I went straight to spacemacs. Which I kinda liked.

xlevus 2015-06-14T16:39:26.000980Z

but trying to work out where to beat it into submission probably isn't worht the time when the end-game is clojure.

gjnoonan 2015-06-14T16:41:57.000981Z

Trying spacemacs at the moment, the main reason to not stay with my other workflow in vim is I wanted to to try out Org-mode, and literate :clj: programming with it.

xlevus 2015-06-14T16:42:19.000982Z

'literate' programming?

gjnoonan 2015-06-14T16:43:16.000984Z

@xlevus: https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Literate_programming

xlevus 2015-06-14T16:43:30.000986Z


quentin 2015-06-14T16:46:53.000987Z

it’s the extreme version of documenting your code

xlevus 2015-06-14T16:54:17.000988Z

:( somebody turned off Giphy

gjnoonan 2015-06-14T16:58:02.000989Z

@xlevus: yeah, it had to be replaced by the logbot 😕

agile_geek 2015-06-14T16:58:11.000990Z

Talk by Karsten Schmidt at skills matter a few weeks ago actually demonstrates Literate Programming in amongst some really cool graphical rendering and art installations https://skillsmatter.com/explore?content=&location=&q=all+the+thi.ngs

gjnoonan 2015-06-14T16:59:14.000992Z

Thanks @agile_geek I will have a look .. Has your talk gone online yet?

gjnoonan 2015-06-14T17:09:56.000995Z
