xlevus :simple_smile:
mawns y'all
@agile_geek: 06:37 isn't morning, it's suffering
@mccraigmccraig I was up at 5:15am ! I let u lot have a lie in ;-)
Have to get up early if I want to fit Clojure in around day job!
i would have to replace my blood with coffee to get up that early on a regular basis
@xlevus: i didn't get on with solarized. it only really worked for me in a darkened room. i ended up with base16-bright-dark which is a dark-screen theme which is usable in daylight :
there is only the flatland theme
theme fight
@martintrojer: ooh, like flatland theme.
i tried two versions of flatland in emacs... i couldn't see comments well with either, otherwise it was nice