@pupeno: nice :simple_smile:
Morning London people (and those outside London who, like me, want to hang with the ‘cool kids’)
Good morning.
How are you Chris?
@pupeno: I’m fine thanks Pablo, yourself?
Good good.
interesting - clojure bot turns anonymous fns into (fn )
original was (->> ((->> [0 2 5 1 -4 1 -6] (map #(partial + %)) (apply juxt)) 109) byte-array (String.))
(confession: I just wanted to use “juxt”)
feel free to add to this....
a classic.
My favourite is still the hash checking one...
I saw a bash one that generated it 1 char at a time from dev/random
korny & acron did you do both of yours from scratch or did you reverse engineer them?
I cheated. I figured out what "morning" was in binary and then went from there.
I started with “how does juxt work again?” then converted “morning”
to [109 110 114…]
to [0 +2 +5 …]
- and then I hacked something together with a big procedural let
statement. And then minified
I also looked to see if I could get a quadratic equation that produced the [109 110 114 …] numbers, but my awesome tool of choice (excel) couldn’t find a curve to match the numbers, alas.
@korny damn Excel. That would have been an awesome contribution.
actually looks like there's multiple clojure-excel things. neat. Go go gadget clr.
I did some hacking with docjure a while back… actually ISTR I had a pull request open that I never chased down :simple_smile: