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agile_geek 2015-07-24T06:06:48.000084Z

Bore da

agile_geek 2015-07-24T06:11:21.000085Z

ProCloDo (Project Clojure Dojo) starts Tuesday 18th August. I’ll update ldnclj calendar when I’m home over weekend & have more reliable internet connection. *ProCloDo is experimental. Doctor’s advice should be sought before imbibing as may become (hopefully) addictive.

thomas 2015-07-24T07:49:40.000087Z


thomas 2015-07-24T07:50:11.000088Z

@agile_geek: ProCloDo sounds fantastic!!! Good luck and hopefully I can contribute at some stage

agile_geek 2015-07-24T08:07:40.000089Z

@thomas thx

pupeno 2015-07-24T08:11:20.000090Z


korny 2015-07-24T10:13:00.000091Z


thomas 2015-07-24T12:58:26.000093Z

@korny: when do people learn that is very painful falling down a waterfall ?

korny 2015-07-24T13:06:19.000094Z

Sadly, what happens is that a random tier of management realises this - then they get in consultants like us to help drive the change - then something happens, the political tides shift in some way, and the changes are stalled - but we are still stuck trying to deliver software, on the “old” systems, often being run by people who fear change.

korny 2015-07-24T13:06:33.000095Z


thomas 2015-07-24T13:25:52.000096Z

good luck @korny , I hope you get it sorted and that you can have a good weekend.

thomas 2015-07-24T13:54:43.000097Z

yeah... Clojure O'clock.....

thomas 2015-07-24T13:54:54.000098Z

more cljs goodness on its way.

korny 2015-07-24T14:14:30.000099Z

It’ll be sorted, one way or another, by the time I go on leave on August 21… quite possibly not until just before then! Thanks for the positive thoughts though :simple_smile: