Good morning.
how many of you work from home?
@pupeno: sounds like you’ve been messing with nashorn and SSR. I’m going to be trying it with Om in the coming weeks so any tips/gotchas welcome
@afhammad: I found creating the engine on each request too slow. Also, nashorn may or may not eat ram like it was candy. This lead me to put the script engines in a pool, so they can be reused. I did a lot of load testing to make sure it was behaving well. The code I wrote is here: and I’m writing a blog post about it.
@afhammad: the blog post will be at
@pupeno, awesome, will lookout for it! thanks
afhammad: an approach I’m interested in taking is to make all the rendering code cljs and run in directly on the JVM. That should be much more performant.
I’m not the first one: but I really don’t want to use Hiccup as it’s XSS vulnerable.
you mean cljc?
cool, looks like i’ll have to roll my sleeves up more than i was anticipating.
It was not easy and I don’t think I have the ultimate solution yet, but I’m happy with how far I got. I don’t know, though, which challenges you’ll find with Om. Nashorn doesn’t implement a full browser so there’s a lot of ClojureScript that simply won’t run in it.
@afhammad: oh, this is a server-side rendered Om app:
I learned quite a bit from it. It is a proof of concept though, so, for example, it’s ignoring the fact that creating the scriptengine on each request will add .4s to your requests. 😡
I managed to achieve this though:
prepping for my talk tonight, intro to ClojureScript
There's a talk on tonight?
Yeah, I'm giving a somewhat gentle intro to ClojureScript / React / Om. @malcolmsparks is going to do a smallish follow-on about Reagent
& reframe
would love to hear it
i’ll be there :simple_smile:
Me too
@jonpither: how long will the intro take? that seems to be a lot of ground to cover in a short time in a gentle way.
I'm thinking about an hour
I would aim for exposure to the CLJS working env, Om, React. But you're right it'll be a tight fit
gah, I am bot
not now
your clojurescript slack wrapper:
Oh geez, my blog post for isomorphic clojurescript is already 1500 words long and I still haven’t reached the good bits.
Have you got a link to it?
Have you got a link to it?
jon does sound like a bot… 😉
Some kinks to iron out
Ah well, I'll stop hacking around on this chan, annoying you folk
Ah well, I'll stop hacking around on this chan, annoying you folk
no idea why it's doing it twice
maybe it's a big, empty room?
blrhghrgh. Guess I'm not going to tonights talk.
yay jobs.
Which is the skillzmatter pub of choice?
not sure now tbh
good luck tonight guys.
i am
hello jon
great talk so far
jonbot still there?
i love clojurescript
@jonpither: is the git repo up to date? I have no menu of links under the title
@jonpither hi jon
@jonpither hi jon
Hello from the talk
Hello Clojurescript app
This is a very cool project, thanks jon
Om next on youtube --
so.... now? later? reagent?
@otfrom: re-frame now
see for sample code
ok then... why?