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thomas 2015-09-11T08:00:59.000201Z


gjnoonan 2015-09-11T08:04:49.000202Z


pupeno 2015-09-11T08:32:39.000203Z

Good morning.

pupeno 2015-09-11T08:35:23.000206Z

It got too long, so I broke the blog post in two parts.

jamiei 2015-09-11T08:38:47.000207Z

Nice one @pupeno , Not so bad on the word count, were you counting the code in that?

pupeno 2015-09-11T08:39:07.000208Z

jamiei: yeah, the code is counted

pupeno 2015-09-11T08:43:32.000209Z

I did a bit of editing as well.


@pupeno very interesting and nice work to document all the steps needed to make it work. it is quite long, but it's not immediately obvious what could be cut. maybe the "javascript, on the server" para could be cut down a bit

thomas 2015-09-11T08:55:11.000212Z

@pupeno looks very good. thanks for the write up.

agile_geek 2015-09-11T10:39:39.000213Z

@pupeno: blog looks great. Haven’t got time to read it during the day but I’m going to avidly consume on the 3 hour train journey home tonight. See you at ProCloDo on 22nd if not before. 😃

pupeno 2015-09-11T10:47:25.000214Z



Please consult your doctor before taking ProCloDo

xlevus 2015-09-11T12:27:14.000218Z


agile_geek 2015-09-11T12:42:17.000219Z

@otfrom: side effects include serious Pizza addiction?



xlevus 2015-09-11T14:39:36.000221Z

how do people choose where to start a project. so many choices of webservers. Two different react libraries, a bunch of scaffolds, including one massive one

xlevus 2015-09-11T14:39:45.000222Z

so daunting

frankiesardo 2015-09-11T14:45:16.000223Z

I know, that's a pretty common problem

frankiesardo 2015-09-11T14:45:35.000224Z

My suggestion would be: go with the mainstream option for the first time, learn pros and cons

frankiesardo 2015-09-11T14:45:54.000225Z

that would be ring+compojure for web server, om for react frontend, leiningen as a build tool

frankiesardo 2015-09-11T14:46:15.000226Z

These project have plenty of documentation + bigger community + lots of examples on the internet

frankiesardo 2015-09-11T14:47:09.000227Z

And they usually have a solution for pretty much every use case, even if not the pretties solution

frankiesardo 2015-09-11T14:48:03.000228Z

Then as you get more confident with a technology you can start to experiment different approaches that make what you want to do more idiomatic e.g. pedestal web servers with server sent events, reagent for quick & easy react prototyping, boot for flexible build scripts ..

xlevus 2015-09-11T14:49:47.000229Z

Yeah, I had been looking at luminus. but there's just so much stuff in there, I have no idea what it does

frankiesardo 2015-09-11T14:52:35.000230Z

A good project has a balanced quantity of novelty and boredom. Slowly introduce new stuff to keep it exciting but too many new things at once and you will never make progress

pupeno 2015-09-11T14:57:42.000231Z

xlevus: I’m very happy with luminus but apparently I have a good ability to not be bothered by my own ignorance. Eventually I got to know and understand all of it, at the beginning it wasn’t a problem. Finding where I needed to modify code to do what I wanted wasn’t that hard. Luminus documentation that introduces the framework to you is actually quite good.

pupeno 2015-09-11T15:00:20.000232Z

For me, personally, it’s easier to remove component X because I don’t need it, than figuring out I need to add component X and how to add it… specially when it’s something you are not thinking about or something you don’t even know it exists, like better error reporting, csfr, sane header generation, etc.

xlevus 2015-09-11T15:02:25.000233Z


pupeno 2015-09-11T15:12:26.000234Z

About other components and libraries, what I do, is ask around, look at the pulse in github, to make sure they don’t look abandoned, read their documentation and if two things are equivalent (like bidi and silk), throw a coin. A couple of times, my reason to use the a library was that the author hangs out in this channels.