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pupeno 2015-09-28T07:43:52.000723Z

good morning.

jonpither 2015-09-28T07:48:05.000724Z


xlevus 2015-09-28T08:18:27.000725Z


thomas 2015-09-28T08:56:03.000726Z


quentin 2015-09-28T08:59:44.000727Z

morning :simple_smile:

xlevus 2015-09-28T09:18:03.000728Z

I wrote some clojure code this weekend \ o /. First time in months. At this rate I'll be a pro by the time I've had kids and sent them to university

jamiei 2015-09-28T10:09:30.000729Z


quentin 2015-09-28T10:15:44.000730Z

haha xlevus, what did you wrote ?

xlevus 2015-09-28T10:17:16.000731Z

A demo for reframe and sente

quentin 2015-09-28T10:21:17.000732Z


jamiei 2015-09-28T10:21:20.000733Z


quentin 2015-09-28T10:21:23.000734Z

is it online somewhere ?

xlevus 2015-09-28T10:29:39.000735Z

Need to add running events through the webserver first

xlevus 2015-09-28T10:29:47.000736Z

But hopefully tonight

quentin 2015-09-28T10:30:33.000737Z

cool :simple_smile:

quentin 2015-09-28T10:31:11.000738Z

I am working with reagent on a project, definitely interested to see what you did with reframe

xlevus 2015-09-28T10:41:36.000739Z

I'm going to create a multi player game with it. Going to send raw reframe db from the server to update the dom. Put the logic on the backend and avoid sync issues.

quentin 2015-09-28T10:42:41.000741Z


quentin 2015-09-28T10:43:03.000742Z

nice :simple_smile: depending on the speed of the game and size of the reframe db this could be cool : )

xlevus 2015-09-28T10:44:53.000743Z

It's just craps. So minimal state changes.

xlevus 2015-09-28T10:45:59.000744Z

But it's a pretty common approach in online casinos. Clients are just thick pretty things. And logic can be adapted on the fly in the backend

jonpither 2015-09-28T13:25:51.000745Z

My paredit clashes with CIDER on M-r, anyone had that?