Good morning.
What libraries are you using for validation? I thought validateur was the defacto one, but I don’t think it’s flexible enough.
@pupeno: prismatic schema...
assuming you mean that kind of validation.
thomas: no, don’t mean type-like validation. I mean user entry validation.
in that case I am not sure... can't you use custom validtors with schema? and use that to validate user in put data?
and I assume you mean stuff like names, post codes etc?
Maybe, I don’t know, being able to do it doesn’t mean it’s the best way. Last time I checked schema didn’t look very well suited for user validation.
fair enough, I was just thinking out loud.
Hey - are there meant to be emails for london clojurian and/or skillsmatter events? I happened by chance to notice on the skillsmatter website that there’s a meetup on tonight - but I seem to have had no other indication that this is on...
it is.
I think the organisers usually email out just before and on the day of the event
I do that for ProCloDo - which is on a week on Tuesday (20th Oct)
I kind of assumed SkillsMatter would send something for groups you’d joined, but it seems not.
I was tempted by ProCloDo - waiting to see where I’m working in London now I’m back, and how over-committed I am :simple_smile:
Anybody know the subject matter of tonight?
The link I posted included the subjects - pedestal new wave, pedestal/swagger for slack, Liberator patterns and pitfalls.
oh, durr. sorry
I must say none of these thrill me, but I’ve been away for a few weeks and missing any clojure community stuff, so I might be showing up anyway...
(I was a Liberator user on a previous project, but as I’m now only using clojure on pet projects, I have less need for top-notch Rest stuff!)
yeah. I'll probably go just as an excuse to get out of the house and ... drink beer.
I sent a mail out finally