I'd like to thank @malcolmsparks for an excellent Cognicast episode which I've only had chance to listen to during my commute this morning.
+1 excellent talk indeed.
I've been playing with Re-frame recently and SSE was the missing piece of my 'streams everywhere' puzzle. Desperately trying to find a little time to play with yada
Following on from @malcolmsparks talk, how many in this channel are like me, in as much as they only really get to use Clojure out of work?
I've been reading a classic marketing book, crossing the chasm. It articulates well who makes up the various chunks in the tech adoption curve:
Innovators would be the people on here, using Clojure out of work etc
Early adopters are companies like uswitch, and other companies in London using Clojure to get a leap up on the competiton, and have a visionary at the helm
The early majority basically need references and case-studies. So once Clojure is doing well in a couple of high profile banks, the other banks will want it
same for other industry areas
The biggest problem Clojure has, Vs Scala, is discontinuous innovation. I.e. Scala is a continuous innovation path from Java. Clojure is discontinuous in that it's a radical departure, hence the adoption curve is far more relevant
Anyway, I thought I'd share, I found that interesting, may work into a short blog at some stage...
yeah, i'm familiar with the book. It can be hard to tell where something like Clojure is on the curve.
It's also hard to get a feeling for this when outside of London. Up here in the Midlands, anything other than PHP/Wordpress, C#, or Java is fairly rare.
Interesting @jonpither
Would you recommend the book?
I would. I'd also recommend
@jonpither: Hey there Jon, how are you doing..?
That’s a great book, no doubt about that
Hey all! I have a clojurex ticket if anyone is interested - Now the conference sells for £425, my ticket is an early bird one and it will cost you only £114 - transfer via paypal. ping me in private for details :simple_smile: