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Wow, it’s quiet in here. I wonder why?

benedek 2015-12-04T09:16:37.000324Z

everyone is at clojureX ;)


@benedek: oh yeah, should have raised my head over my laptop screen to see them 😉

benedek 2015-12-04T09:27:43.000326Z


thomas 2015-12-04T10:37:06.000327Z

Yes.... We are all here. 😋

xlevus 2015-12-04T10:39:08.000328Z

I'm not. Got sick :(

mccraigmccraig 2015-12-04T11:06:38.000329Z

me either. deadlines 😞


Are there any emacs users in the house? Since Bozhidar’s talk yesterday, I thought I’d try emacs. As a hardfast vimer I issued the scary brew install emacs yesterday and have happily followed this excellent tutorial http://david.rothlis.net/emacs/customize_c.html


However, as typical for me, I wanted to jump ahead and install cider but it appears that I’ve hit this newb issue: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/29085937/package-refresh-contents-hangs-at-contacting-host-elpa-gnu-org80


I can follow the instructions but this seems such a glaring omission from the otherwise excellent tutorial, I wonder whether this really is the idiomatic fix?

mccraigmccraig 2015-12-04T13:06:59.000334Z

emacs user here @paulspencerwilliams


hey @mccraigmccraig cheers. I’ve just found the emacs channel but thought I’d keep it local first 😉

mccraigmccraig 2015-12-04T13:07:50.000336Z

are you starting from scratch or https://github.com/bbatsov/prelude ?


I hope I’m not keeping you away from your deadline!

mccraigmccraig 2015-12-04T13:08:23.000339Z

momentary distractions are a necessary part of killer deadlines 😉


from scratch. I’ve heard good things about prelude but wanted to understand what emacs was first if that makes sense?




Wow, so Bozhidar is the emacs version of T Pope 😉

mccraigmccraig 2015-12-04T13:10:16.000344Z

it does make sense - but one of the things emacs is is absolutely massive and ancient - so it's a lot of work to start from scratch

mccraigmccraig 2015-12-04T13:10:26.000345Z

pretty much :simple_smile:

mccraigmccraig 2015-12-04T13:11:00.000346Z

i gave up trying to maintain my own .emacs.d a while back - life is too short - i first subcontracted to emacs-live, and then prelude


okay. I knew emacs was big hence I thought it good to stay ‘pure’ but that might have been naive.

mccraigmccraig 2015-12-04T13:11:34.000348Z

prelude is nice because it leaves lots of stuff to the vanilla package manager, and doesn't do a lot of non 'emacsy' things

mccraigmccraig 2015-12-04T13:11:56.000349Z

what version did you get from brew ?


GNU Emacs 24.5.1

mccraigmccraig 2015-12-04T13:13:05.000351Z

that's the same as i'm running, also out of brew

mccraigmccraig 2015-12-04T13:13:21.000352Z

so no fundamental reason why you shouldn't be getting packages


okay. and my entire .emacs is

(set-keyboard-coding-system nil)


This was advised in the above tutorial.

mccraigmccraig 2015-12-04T13:14:20.000355Z

what does M-x package-list-packages do for you ?


ooh, it retreives lots of packages starting with ace-window.


the status-bar? (wrong name I’m sure) it still showing Contacting host: http://elpa.gnu.org:80 though

mccraigmccraig 2015-12-04T13:16:40.000358Z

ah, i think elpa may be your problem


Elpa is the main package repo?


and for instance, ace-windows isn’t coming from there?

mccraigmccraig 2015-12-04T13:18:20.000361Z

it was being v slow for me

mccraigmccraig 2015-12-04T13:18:31.000362Z

do M-x customize-group

mccraigmccraig 2015-12-04T13:18:37.000363Z

and give it the group package

mccraigmccraig 2015-12-04T13:18:56.000364Z

what do you have set as your package archives ?

mccraigmccraig 2015-12-04T13:19:25.000365Z

i've got <http://elpa.gnu.org/packages/> and <http://melpa.org/packages/>


this is in .emacs?


or should be?

mccraigmccraig 2015-12-04T13:20:30.000368Z

no, if you run M-x customize-group it will ask you (in the status window) which group you want to customize... give it package

mccraigmccraig 2015-12-04T13:20:53.000369Z

which will open a window with all the settings in it for the package manager

mccraigmccraig 2015-12-04T13:23:02.000371Z

open up package archives (nav to the arrow, and use return if you aren't using a gui version)


package archives lists

Archive name: gnu                                              
            URL or directory name: <http://elpa.gnu.org/packages/>     


so elpa is hard baked in as it’s not in .emacs

mccraigmccraig 2015-12-04T13:24:17.000374Z

it's a default... you can ditch it



mccraigmccraig 2015-12-04T13:24:37.000376Z

have a look in buffer *Messages* see if you are getting any errors in there


Importing package-keyring.gpg...done
Contacting host: <http://elpa.gnu.org:80|elpa.gnu.org:80>
Creating customization items...
Creating group...
Creating group entries...done
Creating customization items ...done
Resetting customization items...done
Creating customization setup...done
Custom-newline: You can't edit this part of the Custom buffer
Search for custom items.
You can enter one or more words separated by spaces,
or a regular expression.
Search for custom items.
You can enter one or more words separated by spaces,
or a regular expression.
Show a menu with reset operations.
Apply settings (for the current session only).
Apply settings and save for future sessions.
Create customization buffer for this group.
Change the state of this item.
Show the value of this option.
Show or hide rest of the documentation.
Show the value of this option.


Nothing glaring

mccraigmccraig 2015-12-04T13:25:59.000379Z

when you did M-x package-list-packages what did you see in the *Packages* buffer ?


ace-window         0.9.0         available  Quickly switch windows.
  ack                1.5           available  interface to ack-like tools
  ada-mode           5.1.8         available  major-mode for editing Ada s$
  ada-ref-man        2012.0        available  Ada Reference Manual 2012
  adaptive-wrap      0.5           available  Smart line-wrapping with wra$
  adjust-parens      3.0           available  Indent and dedent Lisp code,$
  aggressive-indent  1.4           available  Minor mode to aggressively k$
  ahungry-theme      1.0.12        available  Ahungry color theme for Emac$
  all                1.0           available  Edit all lines matching a gi$
  ascii-art-to-un... 1.9           available  a small artist adjunct
  auctex             11.89         available  Integrated environment for *$
  aumix-mode         7             available  run the aumix program in a b$
  auto-overlays      0.10.9        available  Automatic regexp-delimited o$
  avy                0.3.0         available  set-based completion
  beacon             0.5.1         available  Highlight the cursor wheneve$
  bug-hunter         1.0.1         available  Hunt down errors by bisectin$
  caps-lock          1.0           available  Caps-lock as a minor mode
  chess              2.0.4         available  Play chess in GNU Emacs
  cl-generic         0.2           available  Forward cl-generic compatibi$
  coffee-mode       available  Major mode for CoffeeScript $
  company            0.8.12        available  Modular text completion fram$
  company-math       1.0.1         available  Completion backends for unic$
  company-statistics 0.2.2         available  Sort candidates using comple$
  context-coloring   7.2.0         available  Highlight by scope
  crisp              1.3.4         available  CRiSP/Brief Emacs emulator
  csv-mode           1.5           available  Major mode for editing comma$
  darkroom           0.1           available  Remove visual distractions a$
  dash               2.12.0        available  A modern list library for Em$
  dbus-codegen       0.1           available  Lisp code generation for D-B$

mccraigmccraig 2015-12-04T13:27:22.000382Z

ah, and do you only have a single package-archive (elpa) configured ?


that’s all that appeared in package archives. It would appear these packages are therefore available from elpa.

mccraigmccraig 2015-12-04T13:28:19.000384Z

those packages you are seeing are from elpa - the versions match my packages from elpa

mccraigmccraig 2015-12-04T13:29:11.000386Z

so emacs is getting package lists from elpa...


yeah, so I imagine it is no working but was confused me was it still showing

so it appeared it wasn’t working.

mccraigmccraig 2015-12-04T13:29:44.000388Z

ah... what happens to the 'contacting host...' message when you move the cursor ?

mccraigmccraig 2015-12-04T13:29:52.000389Z

does it disappear then ?



mccraigmccraig 2015-12-04T13:30:54.000391Z

my emacs also seems to leave the message there until you next move the cursor, and then it disappears... presumably it's doing that so you don't miss messages when you aren't paying attention or maybe it's random

mccraigmccraig 2015-12-04T13:31:26.000392Z

try installing one of the packages from the list you get with M-x package-list-packages ... i think everything is actually working ok !


yeah, cheers for identifying that! confusing but understandable. The pitfalls of swapping religion!

mccraigmccraig 2015-12-04T13:32:35.000394Z

i don't think anyone, other than perhaps RMS, would say that emacs wasn't confusing 😉

mccraigmccraig 2015-12-04T13:33:05.000395Z

though i've found it worth weathering the confusion, because it's certainly not just confusing


hehe, right. Cider isn’t available from elpa

mccraigmccraig 2015-12-04T13:34:07.000397Z

add melpa to your packages list - there are much more recent packages on melpa


that was why I initially did a package-list-packages which initially failed which may have been intermittent issues here.

mccraigmccraig 2015-12-04T13:34:31.000399Z



And there’s a command to add archives?

mccraigmccraig 2015-12-04T13:36:07.000401Z

use the customize-group invocation i gave you earlier...


okay. Wil play. Thank you.

mccraigmccraig 2015-12-04T13:36:39.000403Z

and save the customization for future-sessions :simple_smile:


oh, pointers in saving this?

mccraigmccraig 2015-12-04T13:38:25.000405Z

there's a state button for the option in the customize-group screen... push it to get the list of actions

mccraigmccraig 2015-12-04T13:39:38.000406Z

you can do all this by editing your .emacs, but the set of options is so massive it's often easier to let the customize screens do it for you the first time, then fiddle with the elisp it spits out into your .emacs (when you save-for-future-sessions)

mccraigmccraig 2015-12-04T13:41:55.000407Z

and try out prelude too - you get a lot of stuff which makes emacsing nicer bundled and configured for free

mccraigmccraig 2015-12-04T13:42:32.000408Z

back to my deadline ! :robot_face:


thank you greatly!


@mccraigmccraig: whoop - it worked, although melpa is now https :simple_smile: