York? I have heard of it. I think. 😋
York? That's a brand of atheletic equipment right?
Good morning.
Good Morning (UGT) from a very snowy NE England
Currently writing a talk for Functional Programming North East meetup on 'The Never Changing Face of Immutability' and trying to distill Rich's talks on The Value of Values, The Database as a Value, Clojure, Made Simple, The Functional Database, etc. to 35 mins with a potted history of Computer Science sprinkled in!
snow? wowz
All we have in Yorkshire is rain, rain and more rain @agile_geek
When is the meet up Chris? That sounds like a talk i'd be interested in
Distilling those talks into 35minutes, hmm hats off to you if you pull it off lol
It'll be performed as a rap, to a skrillex track.
I cycled 10 miles to Cycle Cafe in light rain and temp about9-10 degrees C in shorts. Temp dropped 10 degrees in an hour, it started snowing and had to cycle home! fortunately I have overshoes and cycle tights with me but finger tips got 'burned' from cold. Had to stop after 6 miles at wife's work and get a lift as couldn't hold handlebars anymore.
@gjnoonan: it's Tuesday night in Newcastle. Not sure I'm going to pull it off but it's fun trying!
in unrelated news... I upgraded my laptops memory today. and put deep hairline cuts on 3 of my fingertips and thumb. Yay.
@agile_geek: I'll try and make it up, and you can buy me a pint
@gjnoonan: I think it's booked up http://www.meetup.com/FP-North-East/ you might be able to get standing room.