@mccraigmccraig: Are you able to work or is your vision too messed up? Sounds almost like science fiction!
@agile_geek: my left eye is fine, so i can work ok with my right eye covered, thankfully - a 6 week hiatus would be pretty bad for me right now
it is pretty scifi - def glad i'm living in 21st century - this op only originates from the 70s
6 week hiatus would be bad for me too. 3 weeks bad enough! Hope everything heals OK.
thanks @agile_geek :)
@mccraigmccraig: fingers crossed... and "sterkte" (Strength in Dutch)
thanks @thomas :)
@mccraigmccraig: sorry to hear that, hope you recover soon - go easy on the good eye!
Eye eye...sorry @mccraigmccraig but couldn't resist.