Ay up!
Morning. I'm finally got of my lazy (and not in a good way) arse and added a location to my ClojureScript session at the Birmingham Functional Programmers meetup. I just need to reaquant myself with Clojure as I've not touched a line since ClojureX - too much Java and Node getting in the darn way. http://www.meetup.com/Birmingham-Functional-Programmers-Meetup/events/226614612/
Goede Mogge
@paulspencerwilliams: good stuff... too bad it is just a little to far away from me
@thomas: yeah, I thought I might leave it here just to get the word out.
always good... try clojure-uk as well
and events as well of course
@pupeno: grits on the Hacker News frontpage
Oh :simple_smile: