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thomas 2016-01-07T09:41:12.000947Z


gjnoonan 2016-01-07T09:46:15.000948Z


mccraigmccraig 2016-01-07T10:51:52.000950Z

@agile_geek: you wouldn't be trying to export/import to/from any halfway sane text format would you ?

agile_geek 2016-01-07T10:59:27.000952Z

@mccraigmccraig: csv!

mccraigmccraig 2016-01-07T11:00:38.000953Z

@agile_geek: my tip FTW with excel is to always use TSV, which excel calls just "text" ... UTF-16 if you have anything other than ASCII and use iconv where necessary to convert twixt UTF-8 and UTF-16

mccraigmccraig 2016-01-07T11:00:46.000954Z

e.g. 'cos postgresql doesn't support UTF-16

mccraigmccraig 2016-01-07T11:01:20.000955Z

CSV with excel is a road of pain 😞

pupeno 2016-01-07T17:59:23.000956Z

Is https://carouselapps.com/ loading correctly for anyone?

mccraigmccraig 2016-01-07T18:19:05.000958Z

@pupeno: lots of 404s for me

pupeno 2016-01-07T18:19:18.000959Z

Thanks. Something is broken.