@annapawlicka: as I said, no one leaves ldnclj...mwah ha ha!
@annapawlicka: no the problem is you're asleep when we are on line!
@annapawlicka: Thanks, I will take a look :simple_smile:
Finally decided to take the plunge and ordered Dell XPS13 and it's left the manufacturing plant in China on it's way to me!
@annapawlicka: Thanks very much for the tip - I sent Adam an email - as they say in Scotland, “Shy bairns get nae sweets.” :simple_smile:
Adding cljs to an existing Compojure project is a right pain…. 😞
taken me over 2 hours so far and it still isn’t working.
nor is this the first time I am doing this 😞
rant over.
for the moment
@thomas: working the other way is probably easier, since a cljs project is generally more complicated than a clj project...
yes… I was wondering if I should do that...
@mccraigmccraig: I found that too.. but only after I'd been through the pain @thomas is suffering!
One of the reasons I want to look at Boot (which I have no idea about) is to see if it makes projects more composable.
is there a good boot template for cljs?
aahyes, you mentioned that one...
a while back and it was good
let me have a look
thank you @mccraigmccraig
Run boot show -u
after generating the project, some deps might be out of date :)
boot takes a bit of getting used to, but there is sufficient familiar stuff (cljs compiler options etc) to be productive straight away
how simple would it be to add compojure to it?
as I would like to use that for serving the files and some mode data?
Aye up!
the file serving will be #C0702A7SB based however
(yada my-directory)
@malcolmsparks: look forward to it. As an 'occasional dabbler' in clj and cljs I feel the pain of the newcomer over and over which is why I bang on about trying to make entry and intermediate level learning easier in the community.
It's also the biggest frustration I hear in all the Dojo's I attend/run
@malcolmsparks: for the thing I am currently working on Yada would be a bit of over kill…. But I might port it over as an excercise
sounds good though.