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agile_geek 2016-02-02T08:17:55.000196Z

@annapawlicka: as I said, no one leaves ldnclj...mwah ha ha!

agile_geek 2016-02-02T08:18:29.000197Z

@annapawlicka: no the problem is you're asleep when we are on line!

maleghast 2016-02-02T08:28:29.000198Z

@annapawlicka: Thanks, I will take a look :simple_smile:

agile_geek 2016-02-02T08:37:38.000199Z

Finally decided to take the plunge and ordered Dell XPS13 and it's left the manufacturing plant in China on it's way to me!

maleghast 2016-02-02T08:59:58.000201Z

@annapawlicka: Thanks very much for the tip - I sent Adam an email - as they say in Scotland, “Shy bairns get nae sweets.” :simple_smile:

👍 1
thomas 2016-02-02T09:43:06.000202Z


mccraigmccraig 2016-02-02T09:53:25.000203Z


thomas 2016-02-02T10:29:54.000204Z

Adding cljs to an existing Compojure project is a right pain…. 😞

thomas 2016-02-02T10:30:18.000205Z

taken me over 2 hours so far and it still isn’t working.

thomas 2016-02-02T10:30:38.000206Z

nor is this the first time I am doing this 😞

thomas 2016-02-02T10:30:44.000207Z

rant over.

thomas 2016-02-02T10:30:48.000208Z

for the moment

mccraigmccraig 2016-02-02T10:41:29.000209Z

@thomas: working the other way is probably easier, since a cljs project is generally more complicated than a clj project...

thomas 2016-02-02T10:41:53.000210Z

yes… I was wondering if I should do that...

agile_geek 2016-02-02T10:42:11.000211Z

@mccraigmccraig: I found that too.. but only after I'd been through the pain @thomas is suffering!

agile_geek 2016-02-02T10:42:55.000212Z

One of the reasons I want to look at Boot (which I have no idea about) is to see if it makes projects more composable.

thomas 2016-02-02T10:43:27.000213Z

is there a good boot template for cljs?

mccraigmccraig 2016-02-02T10:43:39.000214Z

@thomas: i used https://github.com/martinklepsch/tenzing

thomas 2016-02-02T10:43:51.000216Z

aahyes, you mentioned that one...

mccraigmccraig 2016-02-02T10:43:51.000217Z

a while back and it was good

thomas 2016-02-02T10:43:58.000218Z

let me have a look

thomas 2016-02-02T10:44:13.000219Z

thank you @mccraigmccraig

martinklepsch 2016-02-02T10:44:37.000220Z

Run boot show -u after generating the project, some deps might be out of date :)

mccraigmccraig 2016-02-02T10:46:09.000221Z

boot takes a bit of getting used to, but there is sufficient familiar stuff (cljs compiler options etc) to be productive straight away

thomas 2016-02-02T10:48:02.000222Z

how simple would it be to add compojure to it?

thomas 2016-02-02T10:48:16.000223Z

as I would like to use that for serving the files and some mode data?



agile_geek 2016-02-02T11:13:23.000225Z

Aye up!

malcolmsparks 2016-02-02T11:16:11.000226Z

@thomas fwiw @dominicm and I are putting together a boot-based template project that has both server and cljs repls

malcolmsparks 2016-02-02T11:16:39.000228Z

the file serving will be #C0702A7SB based however

malcolmsparks 2016-02-02T11:16:49.000229Z

(yada my-directory)

👍 1
agile_geek 2016-02-02T11:20:05.000230Z

@malcolmsparks: look forward to it. As an 'occasional dabbler' in clj and cljs I feel the pain of the newcomer over and over which is why I bang on about trying to make entry and intermediate level learning easier in the community.

agile_geek 2016-02-02T11:20:39.000231Z

It's also the biggest frustration I hear in all the Dojo's I attend/run

thomas 2016-02-02T11:24:38.000232Z

@malcolmsparks: for the thing I am currently working on Yada would be a bit of over kill…. But I might port it over as an excercise

thomas 2016-02-02T11:24:43.000233Z

sounds good though.