ProCloDo at CodeNode, SkillsMatter, starts at 6:30pm tonight.
Hi @otfrom
Just gathering..]
haven't done silly question yet!
Silly question is: Microservice or Monolyth?
that's a good one
or microlyth or monoservice
micormono or servicelift?
majordomo or service lift
No - Microservice or Monolyth!
You can't dodge it
Just talking about the format for the meeting.
I think the consensus is around deciding on discrete problems/issues to take away and tackle then coming back next month with a PR
Just demo'ing the app and walking thru structure atm
So I will write up my interpretation of the new format of ProCloDo and post it here and also add it to either the readme or the wiki in github when I get a chance
In the meantime here is a summary of the design decisions taken in this meeting:
1. Leave petrol as the cljs approach for now to maintain some stability in the codebase for a few months - to review at later date
2. Stick with the current 'post a map to a single uri' approach to server requests rather than REST for now. Again to maintain some stability in the code base.
3. Look to implement a few of the trello cards around functionality over next month.
4. implement authorisation and authentication over next month or so.