hey @agile_geek - have pushed an auth
branch to my fork from yesterday evening
still WIP at the moment (cruelly cut short by train arriving at my station!) but is mostly mergeable - will give it a run through before submitting a PR though
Ok cool. I'd like to see it and extend it between now and next month's meeting
I've added you to trello board and the card for this feature
@agile_geek: Thanks for running things last night - I really enjoyed it. I'd be interested in doing some more on the auth stuff that James started yesterday too
Let me have your trello handle and I'll add you to board and u cab assign yourself to card
James is going to raise a PR so we can all work on it
@agile_geek: trello handle is davesnowdon (email <mailto:dave.snowdon@gmail.com|dave.snowdon@gmail.com>), it looks like I'm already on the board though (I can see it anyway)
You may be able to read it but not add cards etc.
agile_geek: would you put the github or the trello link in the #C08P6MXC7 topic pls?
When I get chance, sure
or if you know the link I can do it for you
(just don't know the link)
I am only on internet on phone in work and I can't remember link
@otfrom: https://github.com/ldnclj/meetdown & https://trello.com/b/AQfoh73C/proclodo-progressive-based-clojure-dojo
davesnowdon: thx!
and topic updated. thx davesnowdon and agile_geek !
@otfrom: @davesnowdon cheers guys
FYI - bear with me as I'm going to write up the 'rules of the ProCloDo game' and post them somewhere but I'm not going to have: 1. Time 2. A stable reasonable internet connection until the weekend when I get home.