

So another problem I am having. Using

lein figwheel
my ring back end will reload with code changes. but
lein repl… use sidecar… start-figwheel!
does not Is there something that
lein figwheel
does that is not done when using the repl?

bhauman 2016-06-05T21:28:53.000003Z

@jamesmintram: lein figwheel adds the :source-paths for the cljs-builds to the classpath (the top-level :source-paths)


Hmm, how does that help with rebuilding clj files used in the back end? (In the Ring portion of the project)


rebuilding/reloading the ring handler

bhauman 2016-06-05T21:39:37.000006Z

I don't know, that's the only big difference that comes to mind

bhauman 2016-06-05T21:40:13.000007Z

also figwheel reloads clj files, on the cljsbuild :source-paths

bhauman 2016-06-05T21:40:20.000008Z

thats probably whats happening

bhauman 2016-06-05T21:41:00.000011Z

@jamesmintram: ^


Ah OK - thanks!

bhauman 2016-06-05T21:42:03.000013Z

actually that might not be it because figwheel does that wether its launched from the repl or by leiningen

bhauman 2016-06-05T21:42:29.000014Z

but if the files aren't on the classpath that could cause problems


Yeah - I will play around with that - thanks 🙂

ag 2016-06-05T23:07:28.000017Z

figwheel-sidecar "0.5.4-SNAPSHOT” throwing error:

------- Figwheel Configuration Error -------

The key :compiler is spelled wrong. It should probably be :build-options

  :all-builds [{
    :compiler { :main "finops-admin.app"
                :asset-path "js/out"
                :output-to "resources/public/js/main.js"
                ... }
    ^ key :compiler is spelled wrong

ag 2016-06-05T23:08:15.000018Z

what’s changed? It used to work with older version