So another problem I am having. Using
lein figwheel
my ring back end will reload with code changes.
but lein repl… use sidecar… start-figwheel!
does not
Is there something that lein figwheel
does that is not done when using the repl?@jamesmintram: lein figwheel adds the :source-paths for the cljs-builds to the classpath (the top-level :source-paths)
Hmm, how does that help with rebuilding clj files used in the back end? (In the Ring portion of the project)
rebuilding/reloading the ring handler
I don't know, that's the only big difference that comes to mind
also figwheel reloads clj files, on the cljsbuild :source-paths
thats probably whats happening
Ah OK - thanks!
actually that might not be it because figwheel does that wether its launched from the repl or by leiningen
but if the files aren't on the classpath that could cause problems
Yeah - I will play around with that - thanks 🙂
figwheel-sidecar "0.5.4-SNAPSHOT” throwing error:
------- Figwheel Configuration Error -------
The key :compiler is spelled wrong. It should probably be :build-options
:all-builds [{
:compiler { :main ""
:asset-path "js/out"
:output-to "resources/public/js/main.js"
... }
^ key :compiler is spelled wrong
what’s changed? It used to work with older version