
yusup 2016-06-11T04:35:43.000056Z

110 :merge (merge-delta conn) 111 :id-key :db/id 112 :migrate migrate-tempids})) 113 114 (defui Todos ^--- Use of undeclared Var lispy.core/x44605 115 static om/IQueryParams 116 (params [this] 117 {:todo-item (om/get-query item/TodoItem)}) 118 119 static om/IQuery

yusup 2016-06-11T04:36:34.000057Z

App works ,but I am getting this warning

yusup 2016-06-11T04:37:24.000058Z

Use of undeclared Var lispy.core/x44605 at line 114, column 1 in file src/cljs/lispy/core.cljs

yusup 2016-06-11T04:39:46.000059Z

it is an Om next app . I am using [org.clojure/clojurescript "1.9.36"], [figwheel-sidecar "0.5.4-SNAPSHOT"]

yusup 2016-06-11T04:50:02.000060Z

weird thing though , I get this warning once in two compilation .