You may need to upgrade your ClojureScript version.
I just upgraded to 0.5.4-3 and it seems like :websocket-host
has no effect 😕 .. the client always tries to connect to localhost:3449
^ edited version number and port
anyone else seeing this or am I screwing this up? .. my lein figwheel
is running inside a docker instance and I get the index.html
served correctly through localhost
;; If no code is to be run, set :figwheel true for continued automagical reloading
:figwheel {:on-jsload "teamchat.core/on-js-reload"
:websocket-host "localhost"}
^ this is what I have in [:cljsbuilds :builds 0 :figwheel]
creating a test project to test it out
ok, confirmed on a new project
logged an issue here:
will continue looking at it
:websocket-host only manipulates the host name not the port
@verma ^
This did change
It was a bug
oh ok, I was wondering
alright, so the figwheel socket will always connect over 3449?
my use case is that my figwheel runs behind a proxy since I have to proxy multiple APIs my cljs app calls into
so my web listens on port 80 and everything is proxied under that ... /api/1
Even the figwheel websocket?
for now I have opened up port 3449 on my proxy (nginx) and routed traffic through to figwheel-host:3449/figwheel-ws
since websocket-host
was overriding the port as well, so it felt natural
You can use :websocket-url
Look at the new docs on it in the readme.
yeah, I noticed a change around that, so that's the recommended approach? (I will update the issue)
:thumbsup: for websocket-url though, since I can now do wss
for one of my projects 🙂
ok, issue updated and closed, thanks @bhauman
works as expected :thumbsup:
@bhauman: upgrading to the latest clojurescript fixed the warnings right up, thanks!