
miguelb 2016-06-29T16:37:47.000223Z

When using a SassWatcher (like in the wiki) is there way to get feedback? I think my errors are getting swallowed

miguelb 2016-06-29T17:03:12.000224Z

nm, not a figwheel issue

venantius 2016-06-29T20:06:15.000226Z

I’m trying to hook a clojurescript frontend up with a rails backend

venantius 2016-06-29T20:06:21.000227Z

this is a terrible thing to do in the first place, I know

venantius 2016-06-29T20:06:48.000228Z

I can get everything working if I compiled to public/ but if I try compiling to app/assets I get all sorts of errors on load

venantius 2016-06-29T20:06:59.000229Z

in particular:

base.js:66 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'CLOSURE_UNCOMPILED_DEFINES' of undefined
cljs_deps.js:1 Uncaught TypeError: goog.addDependency is not a function
<http://torch.localhost.airbnb.com/:44|torch.localhost.airbnb.com/:44> Uncaught TypeError: goog.require is not a function
<http://torch.localhost.airbnb.com/:44|torch.localhost.airbnb.com/:44> Uncaught TypeError: goog.require is not a function

venantius 2016-06-29T20:07:02.000230Z

anyone have any thoughts?

venantius 2016-06-29T20:08:10.000231Z

I should note that all of this works just fine on the actual figwheel server (i.e. localhost:3449)

venantius 2016-06-29T20:08:18.000232Z

but if I try running it against the actual rails server it is awful

bhauman 2016-06-29T21:31:22.000233Z

@venantius: it looks like you aren't able to load your main :output-to target

venantius 2016-06-29T21:31:51.000234Z

I guess what confuses me is that base.js is actually loading

venantius 2016-06-29T21:31:58.000235Z

which would only happen if my app.js was loading

venantius 2016-06-29T21:32:08.000236Z

but app.js obviously defines CLOSURE_UNCOMPILED_DEFINES

venantius 2016-06-29T21:32:14.000237Z

and so I can’t explain why it’s not visible to base.js

bhauman 2016-06-29T21:32:37.000239Z

can you verify that app.js is loading and it's contents?

venantius 2016-06-29T21:32:45.000240Z


venantius 2016-06-29T21:33:24.000241Z

the only assumption I have is that it has something to do with the rails asset pipeline

venantius 2016-06-29T21:33:32.000242Z

but I can’t for the life of me figure out what

venantius 2016-06-29T21:34:05.000243Z

for what it’s worth, in the short term I’m just shoving it in public and running with that since everything seems to work fine that way

bhauman 2016-06-29T21:34:36.000244Z

That's a much better solution if you want live reloading

venantius 2016-06-29T21:35:35.000245Z


venantius 2016-06-29T21:35:52.000246Z

I just hate having to say “I don’t know why this doesn’t work” 😛

bhauman 2016-06-29T21:35:56.000247Z

your gonna compile advanced and deploy, the minified asset anyway

venantius 2016-06-29T21:36:16.000248Z

in this case actually we’re not going to compile advanced for deployment, it’s an internal-only tool so we don’t care too much about load performance

venantius 2016-06-29T23:32:55.000249Z

next question

venantius 2016-06-29T23:33:01.000250Z

I’m working on adding some foreign-libs

venantius 2016-06-29T23:33:11.000251Z

I guess this is more of a general clojurescript question