
bhauman 2016-07-16T00:32:54.000318Z

@comamitc: figwheel version?


@bhauman: [lein-figwheel "0.5.4-3”]

bhauman 2016-07-16T16:05:19.000003Z

@comamitc: upgrade to the latest for sure... 0.5.4-7

bhauman 2016-07-16T16:05:56.000004Z

but also if you have a complicated routes set up up you may be redirecting out somewhere else

bhauman 2016-07-16T16:28:13.000005Z

or maybe there is a bug ...


Hmmm yea I think I’ll pull up the source and see what’s going on. I also added org.clojure/tools.logging after upgrading just to see if I could get anything to go to stdout. lein ring server logs as expected.


ah, I opened up this since I think I’m able to reason about where it’s starting to occur: https://github.com/bhauman/lein-figwheel/issues/456