

Anyone had sucess enabling jetty's :async true in figwheel handler config (`:figwheel-options`)

bhauman 2016-12-07T14:48:17.000012Z

@isak your websocket url is blank??

isak 2016-12-07T15:33:01.000013Z

@bhauman : yea :thinking_face:

samueldev 2016-12-07T15:45:17.000014Z

@isak what does your config look like?

isak 2016-12-07T15:53:43.000015Z

@samueldev: i have a figwheel.edn that looks like this:

:http-server-root "public"
 :server-port 3449
 :builds-to-start ["dev"]
 :builds [
          {:id "dev"
           :source-paths ["src" "dev-src" "test-src"]
           :figwheel { :on-jsload "front.tests.runner/run" }

isak 2016-12-07T15:54:35.000016Z

running it via sidecar. it is strange, because it was working before, and I don't think i've changed anything or even upgraded dependencies

samueldev 2016-12-07T16:35:10.000017Z

@isak is this a node env or worker env or html env?

isak 2016-12-07T16:35:37.000018Z

@samueldev : html

samueldev 2016-12-07T16:35:45.000019Z

what browser?

isak 2016-12-07T16:35:50.000020Z


isak 2016-12-07T16:36:43.000021Z

also windows

samueldev 2016-12-07T16:50:17.000022Z

hey @bhauman I'm trying to get set up to do some work on figwheel (and to further look into what @isak is describing) - simply running ./scripts/install doesn't seem to be making my cljs projects use my locally installed figwheel, any idea why? is there a dev guide anywhere? (didn't see anything in the readme)

bhauman 2016-12-07T16:51:51.000024Z

your dev project needs to point to the installed SNAPSHOT version?

samueldev 2016-12-07T16:52:08.000025Z

yeah it is, but I forgot to lein clean 😛 sorry to bug

bhauman 2016-12-07T16:52:19.000026Z

no worries, this is all part of it