
misha 2016-12-12T16:30:40.000029Z

@shaun-mahood I kept it almost identical to the default project.clj generated by re-natal

misha 2016-12-12T16:33:20.000031Z

I think I need to replace :figwheel true with :fogwheel {...}

shaun-mahood 2016-12-12T16:34:29.000032Z

@misha: Try adding :figwheel {:nrepl-port 7888} just above :profiles and see if that works - that's how I have mine configured, and looking at https://github.com/bhauman/lein-figwheel/wiki/Configuration-Options I think it should work (if it doesn't at least we'll find out quickly).

misha 2016-12-12T16:35:49.000035Z

that'd be "server-side" place to add it

misha 2016-12-12T16:36:09.000036Z

Configurations happens in your project.clj file and is separated into
 serverside configs (:figwheel {...} on your "root" level)
 and per-build, or client side, configs (:cljsbuild {:builds [{:figwheel {...}}]}).

shaun-mahood 2016-12-12T16:36:33.000038Z

Yep. If I understand correctly it would then apply to any per-build configs.

misha 2016-12-12T16:38:12.000039Z

but Bruce mentioned something about "FW configs merge will not happen if FW is launched from (n?)REPL, something something"

shaun-mahood 2016-12-12T16:39:33.000040Z

Not sure about that - the global config works for me. You don't really have much of a per-client config anyway, so it may not matter either way.

misha 2016-12-12T16:43:15.000041Z

got a startup idea: project.clj explainer. splits p.clj into tools' cfg maps

misha 2016-12-12T17:33:27.000042Z

Starting clojure.main REPL...
[...] clojure.main script/repl.clj -r
Figwheel: Starting server at <http://localhost:3449>
Choose focus build for CLJS REPL () or quit &gt; ios
Error: ios is not a valid choice
Choose focus build for CLJS REPL () or quit &gt; "ios"
Error: "ios" is not a valid choice
Choose focus build for CLJS REPL () or quit &gt; ":ios"
Error: ":ios" is not a valid choice
Choose focus build for CLJS REPL () or quit &gt; :ios
Error: :ios is not a valid choice
Choose focus build for CLJS REPL () or quit &gt; (start-autobuild "ios")
Error: (start-autobuild "ios") is not a valid choice
Choose focus build for CLJS REPL () or quit &gt; 1
Error: 1 is not a valid choice
send help :dafuq:

misha 2016-12-12T18:31:16.000044Z

ok, start-figwheel! did not see [:cljsbuild :builds] inside :profiles. "fixed" with

(let [dev-builds (-&gt;&gt; "./project.clj" slurp read-string vec (#(subvec % 3)) (apply hash-map) :profiles :dev :cljsbuild :builds)
      ids (mapv :id dev-builds)
      cfg {:figwheel-options {}
           :build-ids  ids
           :all-builds dev-builds}]
  (start-figwheel! cfg)
  (cljs-repl "ios"))