
timgilbert 2016-12-15T22:04:54.000072Z

Say, is there a way for figwheel to recognize changes in my lein checkout dependencies and auto-recompile them? I'm running with (figwheel-sidecar.repl-api/start-figwheel!)

danielcompton 2016-12-15T22:20:08.000073Z

@timgilbert yep, you need to add checkouts/your/src to the :source-paths of your cljsbuild config

danielcompton 2016-12-15T22:20:32.000074Z

There's also https://github.com/bhauman/lein-figwheel/issues/9. I've considered a PR for this a few times but haven't got to it

timgilbert 2016-12-15T22:54:19.000076Z

Awesome, thanks @danielcompton


Is there a convenient way to get lein-figwheel to rebuild after files read in a CLJ macro change?


I’m having to do lein do clean, figwheel and refresh every time I change a file being read

bhauman 2016-12-15T23:23:48.000080Z

@talexxx figwheel should handle this for you

bhauman 2016-12-15T23:24:33.000081Z

but the clj file needs to be in a watched directory, currently the build's :source-paths

bhauman 2016-12-15T23:25:42.000082Z

the next release of figwheel will allow you to configure watched paths separately from source paths