
zak 2017-02-01T11:19:42.000503Z

I've got an issue in a cider cljs repl where figwheel tries to reload a changed file from the wrong path (omitting js/compiled/out)

zak 2017-02-01T11:20:47.000504Z

Doesn't seem to be an issue running lein figwheel <build>, just from emacs M-x cider-jack-in-clojurescript


Anyone else getting this In Chrome stable "Figwheel Client Version 0.5.8 is not equal to Figwheel Sidecar Version 0.5.9." Chrome Beta and Firefox are working well.

bhauman 2017-02-01T17:58:02.000508Z

Make sure all your figwheel dependencies have the same version

bhauman 2017-02-01T17:58:29.000509Z

And make sure you clean

bhauman 2017-02-01T17:58:46.000510Z

And shift reload

bhauman 2017-02-01T18:04:27.000511Z

@eoin ^

bhauman 2017-02-01T18:06:10.000512Z

@zak inside the figwheel repl print your config to see if it's different in cider


@bhauman Sorry got it now. Shift reload. Thanks Bruce

devth 2017-02-01T20:12:46.000514Z

when my figwheel reloads i get an error in chrome console:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '_reactInternalInstance' of null
    at figwheel_helpers$core$deep_force_update_BANG_
no luck debugging yet. om-next app. clues?

devth 2017-02-01T20:52:47.000515Z

also noticed this (benign?) on reload:

Namespace figwheel.connect.public contains a reserved JavaScript keyword, the corresponding Google Closure namespace will be munged to figwheel.connect.public$

devth 2017-02-01T21:26:34.000516Z

☝️ the issue was my build ID was "public" - renaming fixed

devth 2017-02-01T21:48:31.000517Z

☝️ ☝️ previous issue Cannot read property '_reactInternalInstance' caused by not defonceing the om.next reconciler 🤦 :picard-facepalm: 🤦 :picard-facepalm: 🤦 :picard-facepalm: 🤦 :picard-facepalm: 🤦 :picard-facepalm: 🤦 :picard-facepalm: 🤦 :picard-facepalm: 🤦 :picard-facepalm:

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