
cjmurphy 2017-02-21T04:22:35.000794Z

I'm getting a 'Figwheel configuration error' that 'The required key :cljsbuild is missing'. But :cljsbuild is there in the project.clj, so I'm not sure where to go next...

Aron 2017-02-21T09:25:11.000796Z

maybe it's at the wrong place? 🙂

cjmurphy 2017-02-21T11:41:40.000800Z

Thanks @ashnur. Above is the full error message but I can't get any context from it. Like what key is it looking in that it can't find :cljsbuild. :cljsbuild does exist at the root level of the project.clj, where there is no parent key.

Aron 2017-02-21T11:45:23.000801Z

can you share the project.clj file?

cjmurphy 2017-02-21T11:48:10.000802Z

Yes sure. I'm just looking at existing code that surely works: https://github.com/untangled-web/untangled-cookbook/blob/master/recipes/css/project.clj

Aron 2017-02-21T11:48:56.000804Z

well, if it surely works, then i am out of ideas 😞

cjmurphy 2017-02-21T11:52:47.000805Z

Yeah - Cursive wants to build stubs, then fails, this being the reason you can look up as the failure message. Perhaps stub building is a different thing to building from a terminal. Actually I'll try building just from lein and see if that works...

cjmurphy 2017-02-21T11:56:41.000806Z

There don't seem to be any problems doing lein compile or lein repl from the command line.

misha 2017-02-21T14:37:03.000807Z

is there a way to both: keep :load-warninged-code false and have a reloading on silly warnings like: domina is a single segment namespace ?