
jdkealy 2017-03-08T20:36:41.000917Z

where does recompile-dependents go in project.clj

jdkealy 2017-03-08T20:37:00.000918Z

in the figwheel area? like this? https://gist.github.com/jdkealy/a8be3bbf074339cc03c93a7b1df0f837

jdkealy 2017-03-08T20:41:18.000921Z

And it's still taking a long time, I presume due to all these files having to load

jdkealy 2017-03-08T20:49:10.000922Z

I tried the following options as well. Still no luck. Takes about 10 seconds for any file changes. https://gist.github.com/jdkealy/1eea2d3f04122435487844c4c68f7c58

jdkealy 2017-03-08T21:02:16.000924Z

Sorry... Actually there's a noticable difference in speed, just still outputs that console statement which threw me off.