
twashing 2017-03-16T04:22:07.072446Z

I can’t seem to setup figwheel with my own jetty http server, as per Figwheel’s separate server example. https://github.com/bhauman/lein-figwheel/tree/master/examples/separate-server

twashing 2017-03-16T04:24:26.085337Z

[figwheel-sidecar “0.5.10-SNAPSHOT”] doesn’t seem to be available on clojars or maven central.

twashing 2017-03-16T04:24:32.085841Z

Anyone have this working?

twashing 2017-03-16T04:25:56.093498Z


twashing 2017-03-16T04:40:57.180331Z

Oh nevermind. Just cloned and installed locally.

twashing 2017-03-16T06:01:45.652661Z


twashing 2017-03-16T06:01:46.652834Z

> I was able to get Figwheel's separate server example working. https://github.com/bhauman/lein-figwheel/tree/master/examples/separate-server

twashing 2017-03-16T06:01:56.653920Z

> When I tried lein figwheel in a test app of my own, my server is launched, but no repl launches. What am I missing? https://github.com/twashing/figwheel-docker/blob/master/project.clj https://github.com/twashing/figwheel-docker/blob/master/dev/user.clj

twashing 2017-03-16T06:02:04.654674Z

> Also, from a cider-jack-in repl, manually running fig-start no longer launches my custom jetty server (https://github.com/twashing/figwheel-docker/blob/master/dev/user.clj#L70)

cjmurphy 2017-03-16T19:06:56.158619Z

@twashing : Just for getting a snapshot going without cloning: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/42701923/how-to-load-latest-clojure-lib-from-git-repository/42703267#42703267

twashing 2017-03-16T21:54:40.968783Z

@cjmurphy Ah I see what you’re saying. Nice!

twashing 2017-03-16T21:57:22.008873Z

Sorted out my problem btw. Just needed this entry in my project.clj

{ :figwheel { :ring-handler user/http-handler } }

bhauman 2017-03-16T23:54:15.247586Z

@twashing yeah you can use 0.5.9, my assumption that that was clear was near sighted