
frerom 2017-05-23T15:09:26.888763Z

Hi! I upped ring from 1.4.0 to 1.6.1 in my project to make use of the new SameSite cookie attribute. When running the application by itself it works perfectly fine, but when using my ring-handler in figwheel I get a Assert failed: (every? valid-attr? attrs)in ring.middleware.cookies where it validates the cookie attributes. It looks as if it runs the old ring version. Does anyone have an idea what could cause this?

danielcompton 2017-05-23T21:28:49.125182Z

Could be that there is an old version of ring.middleware.cookies from another dependencies which is being used

danielcompton 2017-05-23T21:29:04.129390Z

What do you see when you run lein deps :tree?

danielcompton 2017-05-23T21:29:30.137027Z

The usual fix for this is to add an explicit dependency on the version of ring.middleware.cookies that you want to use