

anyone know why figwheel won't work when i call it from emacs? works with lein figwheel, but when I run it in emacs, i get the following error starting up sidecar: https://gist.github.com/cjhowe7/61144cfb8d3c1429cdabeab2871df4bc


i'm on the latest version, so i really don't understand why sidecar isn't working...

danielcompton 2017-09-11T02:24:08.000077Z

@mitchelkuijpers when I see that error it's because I haven't required the namespace in the rest of my app, not sure about modules though


is it a problem to put clj files and cljs files in the same directory?

danielcompton 2017-09-11T02:38:06.000152Z

@cjhowe clj files will be treated as macros to be compiled I think

danielcompton 2017-09-11T02:38:16.000132Z

so server side CLJ might be better in a separate dir

danielcompton 2017-09-11T02:38:30.000060Z

usually I have src/clj, src/cljc, src/cljs

danielcompton 2017-09-11T02:38:38.000061Z

and then put clj macro files in src/cljs


see, i had that in my source, but i got rid of it because i want it to be easy to make sure my namespaces don't overlap


like, having both src/clj/core.clj and src/cljs/core.cljs isn't a good idea, right?


at the very least it makes cider-find-ns weird

danielcompton 2017-09-11T03:13:38.000038Z

Not sure about cider sorry

danielcompton 2017-09-11T03:13:52.000096Z

but if src/clj isn't in your figwheel/cljsbuild config, then it shouldn't matter


i think i just had to do lein clean


next time i'm starting with that, lol


(in case anyone sees this in the future, i think you need to lein clean when you change clojure(script) versions)


it's my clojure version. 1.9.0-alpha20 doesn't work well for some reason. 1.9.0-alpha19 works fine