
bhauman 2018-02-21T15:57:19.000010Z

would appreciate if folks could give [lein-figwheel "0.5.15-SNAPSHOT"] a try (edited) running lein figwheel should give you a terminal rebel readline config :figwheel -> :readline false should disable it if you aren't using leinigen then adding a rebel-readline:0.1.1-SNAPSHOT to your deps along with figwheel-sidecar:0.5.15-SNAPSHOT should also get you a rebel readline repl I really need to know if this is working for folks so I can make a real release

bhauman 2018-02-21T16:01:39.000708Z

terminals are notorious so its tough to move ahead without a decent number of folks reporting success if you find something please report it, and include terminal/platform info Thanks!!

shaun-mahood 2018-02-21T17:06:10.000393Z

I updated my current project (using Cursive REPL and chestnut template) and there are no obvious issues running it that way, rebel readline shows up when I run with lein figwheel as well (Ubuntu). Off to try it on Windows and Mac!

shaun-mahood 2018-02-21T17:12:38.000129Z

All good on my Mac as well for both tests.

shaun-mahood 2018-02-21T17:27:54.000549Z

Unsurprisingly it doesn't work in the regular Windows command line - I would be a little shocked if it did. Error message is

Feb 21, 2018 10:21:54 AM org.jline.utils.Log logr
WARNING: Unable to create a system terminal, creating a dumb terminal (enable debug logging for more information)
If nobody else beats me to it I'll try it with the Windows Subsytem for Linux, but I haven't got it running on any of my machines so I'll have to get up the energy to mess with things first.

bhauman 2018-02-21T17:44:58.000175Z

@shaun-mahood on Windows did the REPL still start without readline support and how did you launch it?

shaun-mahood 2018-02-21T17:45:52.000273Z

REPL fails to start on Windows, so I guess that is a problem 🙂

bhauman 2018-02-21T17:46:29.000073Z

and you are launching with lein figwheel?

shaun-mahood 2018-02-21T17:46:44.000754Z

Launched with lein figwheel from the windows command line on a project from lein new figwheel where all I changed was updating the figwheel deps

bhauman 2018-02-21T17:46:45.000071Z

yeah you said so above

bhauman 2018-02-21T17:48:30.000194Z

could you do me one favor on Windows? and see if clojure -Sdeps "{:deps {rebel-readline {:mvn/version \"0.1.1-SNAPSHOT\"}}}" -m rebel-readline.main works?

bhauman 2018-02-21T17:49:02.000148Z

bc I think it's a trampoline problem on Windows possibly

bhauman 2018-02-21T17:49:20.000361Z

@shaun-mahood ^

shaun-mahood 2018-02-21T17:50:50.000407Z

I don't think there's a way to install the clojure command on Windows yet, at least according to https://clojure.org/guides/getting_started (though I think it's in the works somewhere)

bhauman 2018-02-21T17:51:05.000345Z

oh that makes sense

bhauman 2018-02-21T17:51:49.000413Z

how about lein trampoline run -m rebel-readline.main?

bhauman 2018-02-21T17:52:47.000539Z

@shaun-mahood ^

shaun-mahood 2018-02-21T17:57:05.000282Z

I reverted figwheel to 0.5.14 and confirmed that figwheel will run again, added [rebel-readline "0.1.1-SNAPSHOT"] to my dependencies and ran lein trampoline run -m rebel-readline.main, here's the start of the error message I get back

Feb 21, 2018 10:54:20 AM org.jline.utils.Log logr
WARNING: Unable to create a system terminal, creating a dumb terminal (enable debug logging for more information)
Exception in thread "main" clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Unable to create a system Terminal, you must
not launch the Rebel readline from an intermediate process i.e if you
are using `lein` you need to use `lein trampoline`. {:type :rebel-readline.jline-api/bad-terminal}, 

bhauman 2018-02-21T17:57:48.000748Z

@shaun-mahood Thanks! thats very helpful.

shaun-mahood 2018-02-21T17:58:01.000224Z

Separately, it runs fine on my Ubuntu box under fish, zsh and hyper

bhauman 2018-02-21T17:58:18.000728Z

I'm sure there is a terminal emulator that runs on windows

shaun-mahood 2018-02-21T17:59:42.000139Z

Yeah, I assume it will work fine under both Cygwin and the new Windows Subsystem for Linux. Always nice to know how things fail under regular Windows command lines though (since they almost always need specific tweaks to handle something different).

bhauman 2018-02-21T18:11:16.000326Z

but things like comemu should work

shaun-mahood 2018-02-21T18:52:10.000405Z

If I get a chance I'll test that as well as cygwin and wsl

bhauman 2018-02-21T19:00:22.000758Z

I just deployed changes the repl should start on windows now, but not with readline support

souenzzo 2018-02-21T19:11:10.000228Z

@bhauman archlinux+lxterminal: lein new figwheel my-test+`vim project.clj`+`lein figwheel` = awesome repl. Great work! Waiting a alpha release to use in my production project.

bhauman 2018-02-21T19:12:14.000604Z


shaun-mahood 2018-02-21T21:24:33.000042Z

Changes for Windows look good, figwheel repl is working fine.