
souenzzo 2018-03-05T10:32:47.000236Z

figwheel uses clojure.java.browse https://github.com/bhauman/lein-figwheel/blob/bf3e046774c5736af923f0bb4b3964083efb3a58/sidecar/src/figwheel_sidecar/components/cljs_autobuild.clj#L129 clojure.java.browse uses your system xdg-open (or open on osx) https://github.com/clojure/clojure/blob/ef00c7cffad10e6104d333f7f71a29163b06cd0a/src/clj/clojure/java/browse.clj#L66 So, will be very hard you use a not-default browser on figwheel.

Naylyn 2018-03-05T10:51:02.000330Z

Thanks @souenzzo. It's not the answer I was hoping for but it's certainly not the end of the world.

👍 1
camachom 2018-03-05T20:34:36.000556Z

hello! I'm having trouble getting figwheel to reload when replacing the whole document using reagent like this (r/render [(fn [] @current-page)] js/document)). It still compiles, but I have to refresh manually. Any ideas?

souenzzo 2018-03-05T20:41:51.000381Z

please send you figwheel settings (inside project.clj, :cljsbuild or something like)

camachom 2018-03-05T21:24:35.000325Z

@souenzzo here it is. i think its pretty standard. It works great when i just hook into a particular element.

souenzzo 2018-03-05T21:33:21.000224Z

:websocket-host "<http://foo.bar.com|foo.bar.com>" << you r developing with domains? It's usually localhost

camachom 2018-03-05T21:34:55.000433Z

yeah i am

bhauman 2018-03-05T21:48:47.000388Z

@mcama200 don't destroy the document

bhauman 2018-03-05T21:49:02.000692Z

use a node inside the document

camachom 2018-03-05T21:56:49.000290Z

its an attempt at isomorphism. I have a top level component that will hopefully handle the html/header tags and loading scripts across a couple of repos. I wanted to be able to have access to it on the client as well.

bhauman 2018-03-05T22:03:11.000292Z

yeah, that seems pretty shakey, when you require app.js the first thing goog closure does is write a bunch of script tags to include your dependencies

camachom 2018-03-05T22:34:42.000197Z

i see. thanks for your help!

bhauman 2018-03-05T23:02:42.000475Z

@mcama200 glad I could 🙂