
skeuomorf 2018-05-06T12:08:33.000033Z

doing lein new figwheel myexample and then trying to run lein figwheel I get the error “java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter”

skeuomorf 2018-05-06T12:09:44.000036Z

I am using java 10.0.1

mfikes 2018-05-06T12:36:08.000047Z

@skeuomorf If you look at the stack trace, one of the libs in use hasn't been updated to deal with the change in Java's classpath behavior. You can use Java 1.8 or, or you can use the Java option --add-modules java.xml.bind

mfikes 2018-05-06T12:36:50.000004Z

If it is ClojureScript that is the problem you can update to 1.10.238

skeuomorf 2018-05-06T12:37:23.000040Z

Yeah, figured the whole JDK version mess, switched to JDK8, and now the figwheel template works fine.

mfikes 2018-05-06T12:46:51.000030Z

^ https://github.com/bhauman/lein-figwheel/issues/612

skeuomorf 2018-05-06T12:52:04.000085Z

BTW I was using clojurescript 1.10.238, errored with JDK10, worked fine with JDK8

mfikes 2018-05-06T13:55:43.000059Z

@skeuomorf Right, even with ClojureScript 1.10.238 and JDK10, there is an http-kit dep that needs to be updated. (That's recorded in the ticket.)

skeuomorf 2018-05-06T15:16:34.000049Z

I see