@bhauman as I can see the figwheel-main doesn't have that issue
I will check what is comming to the read fn
@bhauman I think that this is because in figwheel main you are using cljs data readers in figwheel-main/src/figwheel/main/evalback.cljc
that's not on the path
the link I gave you previously is
It's a problem with my understanding then
I will try to investigate it further then
this is where it comes in https://github.com/bhauman/figwheel-repl/blob/master/src/figwheel/repl.cljc#L693
all messages from the client flow through there
and its in figwheel-repl
which is maybe why you didn't see it
figwheel repl has all the communication code in it
both the client side and server side
@kwcharllie379 thanks for taking the time to try and understand this
I hope I'm giving you helpful info
Yes you do
But the problem is that I'm just the noob. Trying to wrap my head around all that code.
I think I will do this and I really appreciate your help
Trying to search through the regular figwheel to see where the figwheel-repl is
Ok may I ask some questions please?
OK so the client is emacs or browser which sends the form to the figwheel-repl which responds with the result of the evaluation back to the client. Do I understand that correctly?
As I can see the regular figwheel does not depend on figwheel-repl or I cannot see that ;( Therefore communication is slithly different there
the client is the host javascript environment
the server is the Clojure jvm environment
lein-figwheel does not depend on figwheel-repl
figwheel-main does
figwheel-main only uses the REPL channel for communication
Yes but as I said the problem only occurs in regular figwheel. Figwheel-main can get some different form then regular figwheel. Therefore the figwheel-main is able to parse it.
Maybe I will just compare the two forms
but if the problem is on the client side where the data is sent then maybe we can fix it most easiliy there?
at the root
oh wait,
OR maybe there is just better error handling in figwheel-main
which I bet may be the case
I really like you 😛
This is the second time we have a conversation
and in this one I also felt like I was a little kid 😛
but it's good
I especially like that you help me understand all the magic in Clj world.
you'd be surprised how straight forward it is once you take the dive, but its really hard/impossible to learning everything at once especially from the CLJS side
I am thinking whether we should just fix the problem by slicing the string or we should take care to provide the same user experience as in figwheel-main.
definitely not just slicing the string
(binding [*default-data-reader-fn* identity]
(edn/read-string data))
you should experiment with that in the REPL
not in figwheel
until you get a result that works for you
work in the REPL because it will be quicker
than restarting everything and setting it all up
Ok so the strategy is to: 1. Rebind the default-data-reader-fn to handle #js parts. 2. Then use it in the read-msg. 3. Ask you whether it's looking good 😛 4. Do PR and merge
sounds good to me
ok looks like you have to use read-string
not edn/read-string
which is too bad
Last question: As I can see https://github.com/bhauman/figwheel-repl/blob/master/src/figwheel/repl.cljc#L690 receives the message from the client (Node.js/Javascript/Cljs ecosystem). It could be already parsed by the client to regular map. But in regular figwheel I just receive the form which is not so easy to parse because I do not have the access to data-reader-fn from cljs?
they both receive raw strings that represent map messages
can't be parsed on the client side
its the same in both cases
It must be different somewhere
Ok I think I will just focus on solving that issue.
Thank you @bhauman
it may not be
different it may be that the error handling is different
OK well I fixed it with this
(binding [*read-eval* false
*default-data-reader-fn* (fn [tag res] res)]
(read-string data))
the *read-eval*
is required for safety
Very sad I'am 😄
it's not a straight forward problem
and I'd still like to know what's going on
May I please try to tell you how I understand that code?
and remember I'd still like to know what's different in figwheel.main
oh my god I know what the problem is
oh yeah this is rich
So while reading the msg you take the tagged literal and throw it away. So you just receiving the safety string which might be then evaluated to the map.
close, the (fn [tag res] ) recieves a tag and already parsed data as res
and I just return the data
basically ignoring the tag altogether
ok so you got the map (data) and the tag 😛 and you ignore the tag
as you said
Ok so what was the difference in figwheel.main?
What was the problem?
I think it has the same problem, but it handles the error better
Looking into the code I can see it's just pprints therefore the error does not look like an error.
This is what you're talking about?
and it returns nil
which is works just fine
Maybe this is what should be applied to the regular figwheel as well
To ensure consistency between two
they are both so different in this regard
but I'm going to add patch to figwheel.main as well
as its the best solution
PS: In future I will figure the solution by myself so the contribution will be count to me 😛
if you really want to go down the rabbit hole
Yes I want 😛
this is only a problem with ns forms
you can see this if you eval (do #js {}) in your editor buffer cider
in lein-figwheel
it will effortlessly print out "#js {}"
but ns forms are handled differently
by the ClojureScript REPL
Mein God. Does not understand that code but I will 😛 Need 10 minutes of rest
the clojurescript repl wraps all forms with pr-str
except 'ns 'require 'require-macros etc
so its only in this case where an 'ns form returns javascript that this is a problem
thanks for taking the ride 🙂
I'm back
Ok I see 😛
That was pleasure for me to take the lesson from you
I'm still going to mess with it a bit more and try to use clojure.tools.reader.edn/read-string instead as its safer
it was fun for me as well
Last last question 🙂 Is it possible to somehow force the emacs to return to user.ns=> in figwheel-main after the code reloads? The problem is that the compilation succeeds but it does not return to user.ns=> and when I try to evaluate the (println "some-str") form then the result shows on the top of the repl while it should on the bottom.
I'd ask about that in #cider
Ok thanks 🙂 Of course I can switch to repl and just use enter but was looking for a moreprogrammatic way. Thank you one more time for the ride 😉 Have a nice day and see you around.