

Hello! I created a project using lein-figwheel +reagent It works great using lein figwheel, and also from within CIDER. Now, I simply would like to add server-side functionality s.t. that I can add a simple handler that returns edn data when called from the front-end code. My question is: what do I need to set up to make that possible? Specifically, how do I access and configure the server already running at the figwheel port (3449)? Thanks..

manas_marthi 2018-10-03T15:30:51.000100Z

@kingcode look up modern-cljs in github. I hope it has the answer you are looking for. The other places are project templates in clojurescript website. or Luminus project template

bhauman 2018-10-03T15:32:04.000100Z

@kingcode look at the :ring-handler configuration option

bhauman 2018-10-03T15:33:21.000100Z

you will create a ring handler and pass it to the figwheel :ring-handler option


Thank you @manas.marthi and @bhauman! I will try :ring-handler option, as I really don’t need anything else than access to a server-side function.