@bhauman The :ring-handler option works great! Just one (minor) issue for me: for some reason when I try to compile server-side stuff (.clj), the cljs compiler gets triggered (and complains), even though I have put only [src/cljc, src/cljs] inside cljs build-paths. The server-side clj compiler still works and the changes get applied, but I wonder why cljs gets triggered? Thank you for any comment.. (ns ... (:require ... [org.httpkit.client :as http])) .... <COMPILE ERROR> 2. Unhandled clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo failed compiling file:/Users/me/my-app/src/clj/my_app/handler.clj … core.clj: 4739 clojure.core/ex-info core.clj: 4739 clojure.core/ex-info compiler.cljc: 1562 … closure.clj: 573 cljs.closure/compile-file closure.clj: 564 cljs.closure/compile-file … repl.cljc: 586 cljs.repl$load_file$fn__6378/invoke piggieback.clj: 170 cider.piggieback/do-eval … piggieback.clj: 217 cider.piggieback/load-file … 1. Caused by clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo No such namespace: org.httpkit.client, could not locate org/httpkit/client.cljs, org/httpkit/client.cljc, or JavaScript source providing “org.httpkit.client” in file /Users/me/my-app/src/clj/my_app/handler.clj {:tag :cljs/analysis-error} … core.clj: 652 clojure.core/apply repl.cljc: 724 cljs.repl$wrap_self$g__6408/invoke piggieback.clj: 170 cider.piggieback/do-eval piggieback.clj: 155 cider.piggieback/do-eval … piggieback.clj: 224 cider.piggieback/wrap-cljs-repl/fn/fn/fn
@kingcode you mean when you try to save .clj files?
@bhauman No, only when I try to compile the handler.clj - saving doesn’t do anything..
It is looking for the library inside my src dir…
See middle of error msgg
“No such namespace: org.httpkit.client, could not locate org/httpkit/client.cljs, org/httpkit/client.cljc, or JavaScript source providing “org.httpkit.client” in file /Users/me/my-app/src/clj/my_app/handler.clj”
@bhauman I should add that other external libs (ring, compojure) don’t cause that issue, only when I added http-kit, and used that clause…
@bhauman sorry, I take that back! The cljs repl complains whenever I try to compile <any> of my own src .clj files
It’s not a big deal - I can still do work, but it is an annoyance perhaps others have experienced? Thanks again for a great tool.
@kingcode when you say compile what do you mean?
compile from the editor, calling compile
in clojure REPL?
@bhauman When I compile a src .clj file from within the source itself within Cider (C-c C-k)
Saving within .cljs file works great - only issue is with .clj when compiling only
This could be a Cider issue?
OK C-c C-k loads and evals the current file
is figwheel doing anything when you load the file?
because its sounds like you are getting a Clojure error when you load the file
which has nothing to do with figwheel
No, when I start clj and cljs repls at once, everything works fine since the file was compiled (albeith with cljs errors) during the last repl session
Hmm..let me look at figwheel log..
@kingcode yeah this isn’t figwheel, this is a Clojure error
either httpkit isn’t on your classpath or something else is wrong
figwheel only responds to files that are saved
Something strange happened….I deleted the figwheel server log during the session, and the issue disappeared!?
it simply sounds like a environmental state problem
this can certainly happen when you are working in the REPL
OK….sorry for taking your time…much appreciate!
no worries