
octahedrion 2019-02-25T13:52:16.000700Z

hi, I've added ^:figwheel-no-load to a namespace but it's still reloading

octahedrion 2019-02-25T13:52:53.001300Z

(I'm on Figwheel 0.2.0 and I've restarted it with a clean build)

octahedrion 2019-02-25T13:59:23.001800Z

-- actually, solved, it's not reloading that namespace, it's reloading a dependent namespace

octahedrion 2019-02-25T14:00:23.002700Z

- I expected that if I had ^:figwheel-no-load on a namespace that that would imply that its dependents wouldn't reload either

octahedrion 2019-02-25T14:00:55.003300Z

I see there's an option :reload-dependents, but that's global