
erwinrooijakkers 2019-04-26T11:05:38.000400Z

It is probably related to https://figwheel.org/docs/jetty_conflicts.html

erwinrooijakkers 2019-04-26T11:05:40.000700Z

I did all suggestions from lein deps :tree and added [javax.servlet/servlet-api "2.5"] to dev profile but I still get the same error

erwinrooijakkers 2019-04-26T11:05:54.001100Z

Does anyone have an idea for a dependency to add or exclude?

erwinrooijakkers 2019-04-26T11:18:32.001300Z

Alright it is fixed by adding the following to profiles.clj dev profile: [org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-http "9.4.17.v20190418"]

erwinrooijakkers 2019-04-26T11:26:59.001500Z

New error:

1. Caused by java.lang.ClassNotFoundException

erwinrooijakkers 2019-04-26T11:44:31.002200Z

Not solvable by adding the jetty-util dependency

erwinrooijakkers 2019-04-26T11:44:35.002400Z

Anyone an idea?

erwinrooijakkers 2019-04-26T11:47:34.002600Z
