Having issue working with a luminus project that has java code in it. After some googling, only found https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40824115/lein-javac-tries-to-compile-clojure-code-and-fails and https://github.com/luminus-framework/luminus/issues/166. However the information there is not very helpful. I am able to make a minimal test project, it's at https://github.com/lsyoyo/test-repl-error. Is there anything with the way it's setting up java and clojure? Thanks!
@lin.subscriber do you have a problem with the uberjar
I noticed you have :prep-tasks ["compile" ["cljsbuild" "once" "min"]]
If you have java source to compile, you need to include javac: :prep-tasks ["javac" "compile" ["cljsbuild" "once" "min"]]
some good docs on that aspect, can be found here https://github.com/hypirion/lein-shell/blob/master/doc/DOCUMENTATION.md#a-word-about-prep-tasks (best I know that I’ve seen).
https://github.com/technomancy/leiningen/blob/stable/sample.project.clj#L258-L262 is ok as well