
N.B. The maintainers are on #leiningen on Libera chat IRC. Go there for direct support/bug reports.
beders 2019-03-26T19:29:12.112400Z

sorry to just barge in and demand help: I just upgraded leiningen to 2.9.1 and if I just run lein in my project I'm getting this mysterious error message:

clojure.lang.Compiler$CompilerException: Syntax error macroexpanding clojure.core/ns at (clojure/tools/namespace.clj:15:1).
Any ideas how to fix that? Thank you!

beders 2019-03-26T19:33:36.113Z

as far as I know I'm using the latest [org.clojure/tools.trace "0.7.10"]

beders 2019-03-26T19:56:34.113900Z

(which doesn't seem to trigger it) I'm at loss why an upgrade from 2.8.1 to 2.9.1 would cause that much trouble

danielcompton 2019-03-26T21:35:18.114200Z

Can you show the full stack trace, and the command you ran?

beders 2019-03-26T21:46:49.114800Z

beders 2019-03-26T21:47:26.115300Z

and thank you for looking at this!

alexmiller 2019-03-26T21:48:33.115900Z

I think this is due to using an old version of tools.namespace, which had an ns problem that failed the specs added in clojure 1.9

alexmiller 2019-03-26T21:48:42.116200Z

most likely pulled in via a plugin

alexmiller 2019-03-26T21:49:16.116700Z

I kind of suspect lein-autoreload here as thing pulling it in?

alexmiller 2019-03-26T21:49:55.117Z

maybe check ~/.lein/profiles.clj too

alexmiller 2019-03-26T21:51:13.117300Z

lein-autoreload -> ns-tracker -> tools.namespace

alexmiller 2019-03-26T21:52:57.118100Z

you might be able to set :jvm-opts ["-Dclojure.spec.skip-macros=true"] in your project.clj to get past the error enough to be able to use lein to figure out how to remove/fix that dep

alexmiller 2019-03-26T21:53:24.118600Z

why lein upgrade triggered that, I can't explain unless it's a change to using clojure 1.9 for lein itself

beders 2019-03-26T23:15:52.119300Z

thank you very much, Alex. Yes, lein-autoreload is pulled in

beders 2019-03-26T23:16:55.119500Z

that solved the problem. Thank you!