
N.B. The maintainers are on #leiningen on Libera chat IRC. Go there for direct support/bug reports.
Jakub Holý 2019-04-16T19:25:39.020Z

Why doesn't lein find my deploymen credentials for clojars, any idea? The creds exist:

gpg --quiet --batch --decrypt ~/.lein/credentials.clj.gpg  
{#"<https://repo.clojars.org>" {:username "holyjak" :password "secret"}}
and I say to use gpg creds in my project.clj:
;; project.clj
;; ...
:repositories [["releases" {:url "<https://repo.clojars.org>" :creds :gpg}]]
yet I am still told > $ lein deploy clojars > No credentials found for clojars Is the problem in "clojars" vs. "https://repo.clojars.org" or where? Thank you!!!

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Jakub Holý 2019-04-16T21:48:45.020200Z

I have fixed it be removing the entry in project.clj and adding it instead to ~/.lein/profiles.clj as

{:user {:deploy-repositories [["clojars" {:url "<https://repo.clojars.org>" :creds :gpg}]]
i.e. with "clojars" as the name, not "releases". I also need to run gpg --quiet --batch --decrypt ~/.lein/credentials.clj.gpg so that gpg-agent caches the psw for my key as lein doesn't prompt for it and just fails with "gpg: decryption failed: No secret key", which is a known issue.