sigh, this is a stupid hack lein put in to make startup faster
@nikp do you have LEIN_USE_BOOTCLASSPATH set?
it's been biting people since jdk9 came out
the jvm-opts doesn't work because it's the lein jvm failing, not the project jvm
can you dump java -version
straight jvm or did you jlink it to be smaller?
And interesting, going to try the LEIN_USE_BOOTCLASSPATH. Does it make a difference if it's for a lein plugin or not
please don't, it isn't relevant after jdk8
the bootclasspath doesn't exist anymore
Oh I see
don't think I used jlink unless it does it implicitly, it's an install from the arch openjdk package
that seems normal
sorry, I'm not sure what's going on
No worries, thanks for trying! Will continue playing around/post if we get anywhere
Np. Try DEBUG=yes lein
and see if something weird is going on
it looks like the approach would be to load the module at runtime using ModuleLayer
Shouldn't have to do that. Java.sql is in the base platform
it's a bit odd, this works fine:
(let [cf (.configuration (java.lang.ModuleLayer/boot))]
(if (.get (.findModule cf "java.sql"))
(java.sql.Timestamp. (.getTime (java.util.Date.)))
(println "failed to find java.sql module")
(System/exit 1))))
but doing a require I end up with Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: java.sql.Timestamp