how to properly set (set! *print-namespace-maps* false)
for nrepl in lein project?
tried in repl-options init, no success
Hello! I am currently trying to write a Leiningen template for the coast framework. I have never done a Lein template before and I'm trying to understand how using :Lein-tools-deps plugin and middleware with interface with deps.edn
Can anyone give some guidance to a simple project that uses deps.edn and Leiningen properly so I can try to glean how they work together?
Specifically, if the project template is using deps.edn already, and you simply add a project.clj file to the template, will Lein just ignore the aliases like below because it can run tests without test-runner?
{:extra-paths ["test"]
:main-opts ["-m" "cognitect.test-runner"]
{com.cognitect/test-runner {:git/url ""
:sha "5f2b5c2efb444df76fb5252102b33f542ebf7f58"}}}
{:main-opts ["-m" "mach.pack.alpha.capsule"
"-m" "server"
"-e" "target"
:extra-deps {pack/pack.alpha {:git/url "<>"
:sha "d9023b24c3d589ba6ebc66c5a25c0826ed28ead5"}}}
> how to properly set (set! *print-namespace-maps* false)
for nrepl in lein project?
@nxtk What your nREPL version? I think this didn’t work properly before nREPL 0.6.
(which comes with Lein 2.9)
(and here’s the related upstream ticket for this
@bozhidar 0.6.0 Leiningen 2.9.1 on Java 12.0.1
here take a look
hi, how would I make leiningen use a local snapshot of another project as a dependency?
I'm trying:
* append SNAPSHOT to version string of dependency
* run lein install
* in other project add SNAPSHOT to dependency version
* run lein repl
Then I get "could not find blaaa in clojars"
on closer inspection, lein install doesn't seem to actually put my projects jar into the local repo
that's weird - it should work that way. Are you sure you have modified the right project.clj?
perhaps check that the generated pom.xml
has proper groupId, artifactId and version.
> here take a look
@nxtk What happens if you evaluate the init code in the REPL directly?
> on closer inspection, lein install doesn’t seem to actually put my projects jar into the local repo
I use the lein install
approach all the time with snapshots and this works pretty well. Did you check ~/.m2
to verify the package is missing?