hello folks! is there a plugin for lein
that reads the dependencies from pom.xml
instead of :dependencies
@richiardiandrea I don’t know of one, but would be a bit complex potentially to if the pom.xml
had things like a parent and/or inheritance happening
along with <dependencyManagement>
of versions etc - seems like you’d have to run mvn
to get the list of dependencies - not just like parse an xml
In a way, this is similar to how you can’t always just read the edn of lein project.clj, since there is profile merging, middleware, and plugins involved to get dependencies
yeah right, but assuming the pom.xml
is simple enough...I haven't seen any plugin that does that, it might not exist then
just don't want to manually sync the two 😄
if it’s really simple. Yeah I don’t know of one. I’ve done something similar by just parsing the pom.xml before though
I found this, it might be useful, I am going to try that: https://gist.github.com/fogus/1990419
yeah, looks on the right track
Thanks a lot!
also, this https://github.com/thickey/lein-nevam
it hasn’t been worked on in a long time
but I remember looking at it a bit when I was trying to get info from pom’s for lein
Is it possible to parameterize the SCM url based on env vars
my use case is that I need to wire credentials to git within Jenkins
so lein release could work from there
@pyr should be able to with using the eval-syntax of defproject
(def scm (determine-scm))
(defproject my/project "1.0"...
:scm ~scm ...)
I think using dispatch macro read-eval is ok too (maybe the ~
is deprecated if I recall correctly) #=(determine-scm)
@mikerod thanks!