
N.B. The maintainers are on #leiningen on Libera chat IRC. Go there for direct support/bug reports.
michaelr 2019-07-12T06:23:51.093700Z

guys, please suggest a way to debug

practicalli-john 2019-07-12T08:05:38.099400Z

If all you did was update dependency versions, then one or more of those dependencies is going to be the problem. I would check out the last known commit that worked and check it still works, ensuring that nothing outside your project has changed (that you forgot about). Then just work through the commits until you find the dependency causing the problem (assuming you did nice fine grande commits).

jumar 2019-07-12T08:45:09.099700Z

You may also try a debugger: http://ohokgotit.blogspot.com/2013/05/debugging-running-clojure-application.html

michaelr 2019-07-12T09:41:41.100100Z
